Sunday, October 31, 2021

I Know I'm a Product of Public Schools, Buuuuuut....

 I realize I'm a product of public Tennessee (some of the WORST public schools in AMERICA), but never did I imagine a time where I would be explaining to those who attending private schools how economics works.  It's really common sense.  You gouge tax property owners, then what happens?  Rent suddenly goes SKY HIGH!  You tax the shit out of business owners?  What happens next?  INFLATION - smaller products that are now more expensive.  Inflation occurs when we print money that has no backing and is completely valueless.  I live near Denver.  Denver and Philadelphia are the sole mint for coinage in the US currency system (but by far Denver mints the most coins).  It costs more to mint a coin than the coin is now worth.  ANY LIGHTBULBS going off yet?  They want you to believe they're not using coins because of germs, but it's just too damn expensive to roll out more coinage!

SIDE NOTE: For those who eat at Taco Bell from time to time and too ashamed to admit it - their burritos are teenie tiny now!  Everything has SHRUNK except for the increasing total on the receipt.  Two burritos and cinnamon twists costs me over $9 yesterday (no drink).  Has anyone seen the prices at Jimmy John's lately?  My bread was stale and barely any meat and I paid $15.00!  My brother bought a dozen donuts at Dunkin the other day and he got home to open the box.  He moved all the donuts side by side to the right side of the box, and it filled half the box (and chocolate was lightly drizzled on).  

Let's be real.  This is NOT what their tacos, burritos and cruchwraps look like anymore!  

SHIT IS SHRINKING, in case you haven't noticed!!!  Quality is going down.  The more the government gouges at business owners the more they replace the American worker with robots.  A robot doesn't get sick, doesn't take vacation, doesn't require health insurance, isn't a liability, doesn't grab ass and cause exorbitant legal bills, doesn't get on Twitter to bad mouth the company, doesn't bitch and whine, doesn't get hurt on the job, and is programmed to do exactly what they're programmed to do.  The ONE thing we still have is the service industry (meaning it can't be outsourced overseas) and somehow we're managing to still f*ck that up.  I recently worked for a company who brought us into a conference room to brag that our facilities had .7 in manpower compared to the competitor at 2.5 manpower...because we had MACHINES...ROBOTS doing the work!!!  (to spells this out, we were not even averaging ONE human per facility while competitors averaged two and a half humans per facility.)

It's weird that you have to explain how unrealized capital gains tax is a bad thing (the appreciation + taxation of said appreciation of your home without selling it).  This tax not only is not only preposterous and being levied by people who have made fortunes off the tax payer's back, but it targets our elderly.  How?  When people retire, they are on fixed incomes - generally speaking.  They live in a house they plan to basically die in!  Keep this all in mind as I work to explain how they will lose their homes and be put into assisted living facilities which are SUPER SKETCH (because there is a national shortage of healthcare workers, nurses and orderlies who want to do this job for what they get you want to clean elderly diapers for $15 an hour?)

Take Jack and Jill.  They're in their 40s and they purchased a home at $400,000.  They finish raising their kids in this home and in their mid 50's they wanna downsize and buy a condo with zero maintenance and yard work to be able to travel and see their grandkids.  So, when they go to sell their home, the market value is at $510,000 (because location, location, location - they're in a great low crime neighborhood with parks and a great school system.)  So, when they sell their home, they have to pay a capital gains tax on the $110,000 they earned through their wise investment.  Yes, the government has their hands out for a piece of what Jack and Jill earned.

Now Jack and Jill are in their $500,000 condo, and their trust leaders in Washington have turned communist and spend money like it's going out of style.  These leaders, realizing that the pot is running super dry have a lightbulb go off!  Instead of WAITING for people to sell their homes and getting the tax off the capital gains, why say "WHY don't we go ahead and tax their capital gains WHILE they're living in it.  Why wait for them to sell?"  So, as Jack and Jill age and hit retirement in their condo, their investment appreciates (meaning, it's now worth a lot more).  So, on their fixed income, and with soring inflation and gas prices, Jack and Jill NOW have what's called an unrealized capital tax gains tax on their home EVERY YEAR on top of their already soaring property tax.  In some areas, homeowners pay a county + city tax.  Meanwhile utilities are sky rocketing and they can't afford groceries.  

Side note: Nancy Pelosi recently said that baby boomer generation were a bunch of greedy takers.  What's wrong with this statement?  Social Security IS NOT a hand out.  The baby boomers PAID into this mandatory system.  This money is not Queen Pelosi's.  It's not a "treat" that it's being paid back to the American worker.  When someone treats you like they're doing you a f*cking favor to give you YOUR money, they're a major problem.  

As of 2021, every single tax payer owes $229,705 at this exact moment.  And most of us have been either fired for not taking the jab or shut down over a 99.9% survival virus WHILE they're bringing in unvaxxed and unmasked illegals daily AND trying to indoctrinate your children that January 6th was a Pearl Harbor or Civil War.  Apparently they didn't teach about the Civil War at Yale.  It was GRUESOME.  Legs got blown off.  750,000 died in 4 years - 513 a day died!!  January 6th, ONE person was shot - Ashli Babbitt - and she, a white women, was shot point blank by a black guard.  Had Ashli Babbitt been black and shot by a white guard, they would have burned the Capitol down and incited riots around the nation.  But, instead?  ZERO outrage.  SHIT'S BAD!

So back to Jack and Jill:

So, what happens to Jack and Jill if they fail to pay unrealized capital gains taxes to the Feds?  Anyone want to take a wild guess?  The same thing that happened to people in 2007-09 when they could not pay their bubble loan mortgages.  Someone comes and knocks on the door and asks you to vacate your home.  Now the Feds own the condo.

Taxes are not your friend.  The real enemy is the exorbitant spending in DC.  Recently American got to learn that Fauci, not only one of the biggest spenders but also the HIGHEST paid government official in the ENTIRE NATION used tax payer funds to pay for the torture of monkeys and puppies.  And yes, we the people funded the Corona virus in the communist Wuhan lab.  Fauci send USA money for their gain of function testing on this virus, yet no one seems to be outraged by this.  I'm shocked the world isn't looking to the USA for reparations right now.

And, your taxes are also going to gender studies in Pakistan.  Gotta proud for that one.

By the way, if you believe a $3.5 TRILLION spending bill will cost the tax payer ZERO, I'm truly amazed your brain tells you to remember to breathe while you sleep.  300 million sperm and yours was the fastest?  SHIT'S BAD!

TAAAADAAAA - there's an app for that!

Public School Educated,


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