Monday, November 8, 2021

A Staycation Colorado Kimmie Style

 G'day Mates!

I know I've been hitting hard with some truth blogging, so I thought I'd keep it nice and light this week.  The Nation is hopefully turning her attention to an attitude of gratitude (which should be a daily habit in not just one month out of the year).  It's sure hard to be self-loathing when you put all of your focus on your blessings.  It's also almost impossible to live in fear when your focus is on love/gratitude.  Health is A LOT more mental than we care to admit.  In fact, I've gotten into the habit of never saying, "I'm sick."  I'm always in the spirit of, "I'm healing."

Anyways, on to my wee little Colorado staycation...

At the start of school season (yes, I'm a little behind on posting some lifestyle posts), my friends (a cute engaged couple over a decade younger than me) thought it would be fun to let me tag along to Waterworld.  I make artisan mermaid soaps and we were going to do a little marketing at the Water World sign and park.  Alas, the entire park is basically run by students, so we sadly learned half way en route to the park that Waterworld was closed during the week.  I'm glad I didn't have to punch a moose in the nose.  (only kids from the 80's will get this Griswold reference.)

I subscribe to the school of though that I spread my energy on a very small wolf pack.   Each one of my friends is on my wave length.  We may not agree on every single thing, but we are definitely catching the same waves.  I believe in QUALITY over quality since I was a little kid.  The great thing about the people I choose to surround myself anyone in my small circle knows how to improvise.  When something goes wrong or completely unplanned, we don't turn around and go home.  We check what's next on the list.  And, there's ALWAYS a working adventure list.

Mermaid pose...
Has anyone seen Sasquatch...he's behind me, isn't he?

I read this local publication that I pick up for free at the post office as I am shipping my soaps.  In this magazine, a series they feature monthly caught my eye.  It's called "Blind Date."  Anyone can sign up for a blind date and the magazine funds the entire thing (the caveat is you have to agree to photographs during the date and answer all their questions to be later published.)  Here is an example:

Anyways, on one of their stories, the couple had a date in the Enchanted Forest, and the girl was so impressed by her date's choice of location...I just had to check it out.  So we turned the wagon around and headed towards Golden, CO.  

This forest truly is enchanted, and this is such a relaxed CHILL hike for great unlabored conversations, nature watching, and rock hopping.  NOTE: Keep in mind, I was dressed for Waterworld, not rock climbing.  Do not wear this at home (to get on rocks)...

We finished the day with a trip to Black Hawk for dinner, some drinks and light gambling.  I've driven through Black Hawk a few times.  I am not a gambler.  So, this time, I actually got out of the car to explore...and by explore, I mean: PEOPLE WATCH.  Did I mention you can get a warm post hike meal (a steak, two sides and dinner roll) with beer for $8?  

Also, when I'm technically on vacay mode I will splurge on a good glass of wine.  The wine I posted below is one that really does have hints of torture...hence the name 'The Prisoner'...(but, a slow sip kinda torture)!  Well worth it!    


A Be-YOU-tiful rock I found...

Hobbit house on the hike in the Enchanted Forest...

Magic Mountain...there's a wee little grasshopper on the sign.  Not sure if the pixels will translate on this blog...

Hey you wanna come play...

Wildlife spotting on the hike...

Impromptu rock climbing...

Beautiful hike...and truly enchanted...

Trying to figure out which direction to go...

Drumroll please...theeeeeee Enchanted Forest

Getting an Uber from Enchanted forest trail's end back to the trailhead because the hike CLEARLY does not loop like I thought...
Waiting for an Uber...yes these are my swimsuit bottoms.  When you have to improvise, you have to improvise.


What is Black Hawk?  Black Hawk is a gambling town in Colorado!  Now, you may picture a small little ghost town looking area.  Nope, it's a full blown REAL casino town.  A funny fact, in 2010 (I had to just moved to South Carolina) - Black Hawk banned riding bicycles.  It was overturned in 2013.  However, Google's a pretty cool town!

I have never more related to a statue like I did this lady...

Mermaid posin'...

When I find hotel art that looks like a mermaid tail, I go ALL OUT!

Rubbing a stuffed butt...for luck...
Has anyone seen a black bear...he's behind me, isn't he?

Outside a casino getting fueled up on a cup of joe...

MUCH better than Waterworld, right?  Sometimes when one thing doesn't pan out, the Universe sends a much better adventure into your life.  See what I did there?  I turned the entire thing into a metaphor for "Shit Happens"...(let's just hope shit doesn't happen at a waterpark because we'll all get the "pink eye."  By the way, I have to quote my dad real quick, because this is one of the funniest thing he's ever said, "The way you get pinkeye is from playing with your butt and then touching your eye."  

Enchanted + Earnest, 


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