Friday, October 29, 2021

Awake but not Woke

Happy Friday!

I would be completely amiss as a truth blogger if I didn't make mention of the overwhelmingly ironic wokeness of the NBA:

 "Take a knee," they said (while raking in GOBS of money for innate athletic skills, money they would never have made without being an American -- in other countries they won't pay out millions to dunk a basketball -- only in AMERICA!).  Welcome to the WOKE NBA, where players use their millions and televised platform to "speak out" against racial inequality in the very country that pulled them out of democrat ran and led new-age plantations and gave them the lavish lifestyles of the rich and famous.  Because let's face it, over SEVENTY PERCENT of the National Basketball Association is BLACK while only making less than 12% of the entire population - and to break it down even more -- black men in this specific age range are probably only 1% of America at large - yet they're THAT represented as athletes and have the audacity to put BLM on the basketball court and take a knee during the "National Anthem."

QUICK TRIVIA:  While our National Anthem lyrics spell out our China, if you took a knee to their National Anthem or any national motto or creed, you'd be put in a hard labor camp or just disappear in the middle of the night.  They don't f*ck around.

First, and not to get too terribly down a rabbit hole here, I would like to start by listing a few of the American brands currently 100% knowingly utilizing and accepting slave labor for their products  while they, in turn, sell them to woke ass Americans for A LOT of money (Meaning? they greatly INCREASE - more than double their profit margins, don't have to be "bothered" with fair labor laws, and take away jobs away from Americans).  My point?  If you posted a little "blackout" meme on Instagram for George Floyd (career criminal) or Breonna Taylor (dating a career criminal) or supported the fake BLM agenda or bought into the manufactured race wars in this country YET continue to purchase products from these companies (NEWSFLASH) ya ain't as woke as the that nice man on television made ya think:


BMW (I helped build these cars in South Carolina)





North Face

Abercrombie & Fitch




Also, you should know (if you don't already) that currently there is a bill in DC, a piece of pending proposed legislation (for those who missed the "Schoolhouse Rock" videos), called the Uyghur Force Labor Prevention Act.  Essentially, this bill would completely ban the importing of any goods made or manufactured through sweatshop/slave labor (or Uyghur labor).  The Uyghurs (Chinese) not only believe in ETHNIC CLEANSING  or genocide (which is what the Nazi's and early Democrats believed in before the "Great switch" when they lynched and hanged black people), they practice the FORCED relocation of ethnic minorities (over a million people) into concentration reprogramming camps (where they are FORCED to renounce their faith and ideologies, learn Mandarin while prohibited to speak their native tongue, and remain under constant surveillance - sounds like some Commie fun, right?).  Oh, we're not done yet.  After the reprogramming they are FORCED into the factory labor facilities.

Both Nike and Apple have several lobbyists working hard to "water down" this bill quickly, because they LOVE and profit greatly from sweatshop labor.  But more importantly?  The SAME NBA WOKE millionaires who "take a knee" for alleged subsequent racial inequality from slavery in America...(drumroll please)...REMAIN COMPLETELY SILENT to slavery occurring in OTHER countries.  Not only do they wear NIKE ON + OFF the court, they cash substantially large endorsement checks from Nike on the reg!  Some may call it ironic.  I call it absolutely DISGUSTING!

ALSO, NBA players are profiting off deals with two Chinese athletic shoe companies who use Muslim cotton slave labor (let me repeat that for those asleep in the back row: "COTTON SLAVE LABOR!!!).  These companies are called La-ling and Anta.  So, Americans essentially have star athletes capitalizing off plantation slave labor ALL WHILE preaching wokeness.  As one of many examples of NBA woke athletes pocketing MILLIONS off slave labor, the Golden State Warriors have two team members who have profited over $80 million from endorsement deals with Anta.

In summation:

NBA Wokeness (n): to dribble your ass off for Chairman Xi and his modern day Nazi concentration camps.

I don't have cable, but my boyfriend texted me the new Twix woke-ass Halloween ad and the hispanic Doritos LGBTQ ad this morning!  If you haven't seen them, go take a gander on YouTube.  

Also, one more thing, I haven't laughed so hard at the new Dave Chapelle Netflix special in a long while.  Oddly enough, the LGBTQ community is wanting it cancelled/removed from Netflix.  What about "Dear White People" which targets the MAJORITY of Americans in racial slurs, blatant stereotypes, and insults???

Awake but not woke, 


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