Monday, September 2, 2024

Breaking Bad in Trinidad

Hey there!  

Thanks for logging in!  Happy Labor Day!  Wow just last night I had over 400 clicks to my blog and now I’m up to almost 700 in the last 24 hours.  Thanks everyone for the clicks and starting September's readership off with a BANG.   ❤️ 

Labor Day signifies more than just an ending to Summer, a paid day off of work, or all those yummy Labor Day sales.

Labor Day is a day dedicated to the social and economic achievements of ALL American workers.  It is a perfect day to reflect on the horrific events that occurred in Trinidad, Colorado, a brutal fight for workers' rights (so keep reading).  Thank you to all our laborers and middle class for continuing to be the backbone of this great country!

Let's get some good tunes rolling...

Colorado experienced a short bout of Autumn weather and a break in the hundred-degree heat, so I took the opportunity to do "a little roadie" to Trinidad, Colorado.  Trinidad spawned my curiosity as it has an INTERNATIONAL reputation as the “Sex Change Capitol of the World,” due to the crazy amount of gender reassignment surgeries that occurred there between the 60's and 2003.

***Colorado Kimmie would like to take this opportunity to drop the needles to the vinyl and bring you the appropriate theme music...***
  Trinidad, a once mafia run coal mining town, like the beginnings of most small towns that capitalized on this abundant natural resource, erected a really cool marquee over a cliff that overlooks a very spiritual mountain (“Fisher Mountain”).  You must do a little off-roading to get there, which I love to do in my blue Subie (pictured below).  This is where I met the sweetest medicine man who told me I had an army of angels around me and I’ve been divinely protected my entire life.  He told me things from the angels that no one could possibly know about.  And, he said that my future holds the best yet to come (and that I should be very excited).  While he was talking to me, a family approached us and tried to interrupt him.  He said that we are in a spiritual war between good and evil.  I absolutely understood what he was saying, as I've had extreme evil try to destroy me (but I fought back and eventually prevailed). This man gave me his business card and I later looked him up to make sure the entire interaction was real!  I will never forget this experience.

First, why is Trinidad the “Sex Change Capitol??” Born as Dr. Stanley Biber, a veteran surgeon of the Korean War and a pioneer of sex change surgeries who passed away in 2006, he completed over five thousand surgeries over a span of 30 years in Trinidad, Colorado.  Stanley first moved to Trinidad because he heard it needed a surgeon.  Stan eventually became Marci, and according to some of the locals I met, he was extremely attractive as both a man and a man without his male parts, identifying as a woman. From those I spoke with, his reputation was that of a very kind human being.  At his peak he was performing FOUR sex change surgeries PER DAY! Back in the day, the euphemism, 'taking a trip to Trinidad" meant having your wiener cut off.  Alas, Trinidad is working to shake its reputation as the “Sex Change Capitol of the World.”

**Colorado Kimmie drops the needle on a new song to change the subject....***

There was also a really traumatic historical event that few Colorado natives even know about.  Apparently, it’s been a well-kept hidden secret and not taught in any of the public-school history books!  But, your girl, Colorado Kimmie, did a little investigative journalism and is here to dish the facts!

Are you ready to be “spooked??”  Every single labor union owes its history and humble beginnings to Trinidad, Colorado and the savage bloody event that took place there.  Back in 1913-1914, the coal miners (the United Mine Workers of America) went on strike and attempted to unionize against the Rockefeller-owned Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, since they were arguably being taken advantage of.  As retaliation, rich tycoon John D. Rockefeller had all their families kicked out of their homes which were owned by the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company.  So, the coal workers constructed these huge tent homes.  Imagine those tents they do church revivals in.  The coal miners erected roughly twenty of these huge tents to seek refuge during the brutal Colorado winters.  This was where the events of the Ludlow Massacre occurred.  

The Ludlow Massacre happened when the anti-strike militia attacked the tent colonies of over 1200 striking coal miners and their innocent families.  Over 21 people were savagely killed, included innocent women and children.  John D. Rockefeller stood before the US congressional hearings, having been widely blamed to have orchestrated the killings.  Ludlow was the deadliest single incident during the Colorado Coalfield War and prompted a TEN day period of extreme violence throughout Colorado.

In retaliation for the Ludlow Massacre, armed minors set out to attack anti-strikers' establishments burning and destroying property, until President Woodrow Wilson called in federal soldiers.  There was an estimated total of 200 people killed during the strike, and the Ludlow Massacre was declared "the deadliest strike in the history of the United States."

The Ludlow Massacre was a watershed moment in American labor relations and a wakeup call for America.  It also marked the beginning of public relations, where corporations suddenly became cognizant of its public image and how it was viewed by the public.  Now corporations hire entire departments solely focused on image and public relations.

The drive from the front range to Trinidad is really beautiful and there are opportunities to try Pueblo green chiles!  Be prepared to do a little off roading, especially on the trail to get up to the Trinidad marquee.   As you can see, the day started out with blue skies.  By the time I got to the location of the Ludlow Massacre (see pics below), the sky turned ominous, the wind started going crazy, and a storm ensued.  I've been told I have very strong spiritual gifts.  I could feel I was on haunted land, and I looked down to see chill bumps on my arms.  I could feel spirits all around me.

While having fun today eating hotdogs, and tubing down by the river, remember those who fought for our workers' rights!  And, don't forget to apply your sunscreen, drink plenty of water, and hold your loved ones tight.

God Bless America!

Colorado Kimmie

The infamous Trinidad marquee...

The beautiful drive up to the marquee...

Fisher Mountain...a very spiritual mountain...

Site of the Ludlow Massacre....

Is this not the spookiest thing you've ever seen?  I was waiting for zombies to start crawling out.

This just in:  this Labor Day, Joey Chestnut just ate 83 hotdogs in 10 minutes!  ‘Merica!

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