Thursday, October 7, 2021

Hey Remember That Time the Government Said the COVID Vax Was Bad?

'Member that time when the US Government actually warned AGAINST the COVID shot??? 

If you don't remember this, CONGRATS - you have the memory of a hamster or a small gerbil.  The Government strongly advocated AGAINST the Vaxx as recently as last year.  I've taken the liberty to provide a link for you to see yourself.  And, just in case YouTube decides to delete it, I've also taken the time to transcribe every single bit of it so it's now forever in perpetuity on my web log.  Exciting, no?

Okay, as promised, here is the link (along with some screen shots I took of the video):

UPDATE:  (Still trying to figure out how to upload this...stay tuned as I'm working with an IT friend.  However, you should know that IG is already censoring this video claiming their normal bullshit: "Taken out of context" LOL LOL LOL)


The actual transcription by yours truly:

Then Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo:

"I think it's gonna be a very skeptical American public about taking the vaccine and they SHOULD be."

Congresswoman and Anti-American, Illhan Omar (who apparently had sex with her brother or something like that...or married him or something creepy) :

"We can't trust the President!  And, take his word and take a vaccine that might cause harm to us."

Joey Biden:

"If and when the vaccine comes, it's NOT likely to go through all the tests and the trials that are needed to be done!"

Main Stream Media lady interviewing Kamala Harris:

"Let's just say there is a vaccine that is approved and even distributed before the election, would you get it?

Kamala Harris responds:

"wellll, I think that's gonna be an issue for all of us."

Joe Biden AGAIN:

"When we finally do God willing get a vaccine, WHO'S GONNA TAKE THE SHOT...WHO'S GONNA TAKE THE SHOT???"

(kinda ironic from the SAME man now mandating it in 2021, no?)

Main stream media dude, Anderson Cooper to some masked dude who states:

"We will need to have access to the vaccine results so that we can make our independent assessment to make sure that Donald Trump's fingerprints are not on it."

(Wait, what?  Independent and voluntary vaccine assessments were actually a thing last year during the HEIGHT of the "pandemic???  And, what do Donald Trump's fingerprints have to do with the price of tea in China??")

Joe Biden's big ass mouth again:

"You can be the first one to put me, sign me up???  They say now say it's okay (shrugs + worried looks)"

Andrew Cuomo AGAIN:

"First question - Is the vaccine safe?  FRANKLY I'm NOT going to trust the Federal Government's opinion, and I WOULD'T recommend to New Yorkers based on the Federal Government's opinion."

(okay, this guy is a CROOKED SOB who sexually harassed multiple women and murdered countless elderly by relocating SICK people into nursing homes making the COVID death count SOAR to the roof AND HE is even saying NOT to trust the Federal government with vaccines.)  


"And, the question of whether it's real when it's there - that requires enormous transparency."

Reporter with more Botox than Joan Rivers interviewing Kamala:

"Would you trust that vaccine??"

Kamala responds:

"There is very little that we can trust that comes out of Donald Trump's mouth."

(wait, what?  How is this answering whether or not she would trust the vaccine.  Why has a vaccine been so politicized?  Tell ya what, we'll come back to that question at the end.)

Senator Patty Murray from a ZOOM:

"We CANNOT take for granted this process will be free of POLITICAL INFLUENCE."

(I couldn't agree more, Patty.  Follow the money - I'll display how much the vaccine is making towards the end)

Andrew Cuomo AGAIN (wow we really cared about what New York had to say, didn't we?)

"I don't trust the President AND I DON'T TRUST the FDA."

Joey Biden (bless his heart):

"If Donald Trump can't give answers and his administration can't give answers to these three questions, the American people should NOT have confidence."

Andrew Cuomo again:

"You're going to say to the American people now: Here's a vaccine, it was new, it was done quickly, BUT trust this Federal administration and their health administration that it's safe??

Kamala Harris (speaking about the "Emergency vaccine":

"I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump."

Some MSM reporter interviewing Andrew Cuomo:

"How confident are you in the approval process of the FDA right now?'

Andrew Cuomo:

"How confident am I??  Uhhhh, I'm NOT that confident."

Some random dude:

"Yes, I would be hesitant.  BUUUUUT, I'm gonna ask A LOT of questions."

Andrew Cuomo again:

"You're going to need someone other than this FDA - someone other than this FDA and this CDC saying it's safe."

Joe Biden:

"You got to make all of it available to other experts across the Nation SO THEY can look and see - so there is CONSENSUS this is a safe vaccine."

Senator Tina Smith:

"What I'm worried about is there is going to be some sort of October surprise and that there's pressure put on the decision makers here to announce the vaccine in October of 2020."

(hmmm, sounds a bit like Joe's mandate to all employers who employee over 100 people, no?)

Andrew Cuomo:

"We're GONNA put together our OWN group of doctors and medical experts to review the vaccine and the efficacy and the protocol and if they say it's safe, then I will go to the people of New York and I will say it's safe."

(Last time I checked they all got censored - every single non-federal independent study.)

Kamala Harris:

"But, if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I'M NOT TAKING IT!!!!"

Earlier this year I met a "couple" (I use this word loosely because I think one of them has a family at home - like, a wife and kids) I had met in Croatia in 2019 at a brewery in Boulder as a reunion of sorts.  They basically HOUNDED me about why I would not get the vaccine.  I asked "what's in it?"  They had NO CLUE!  I asked, "where are the independent studies."  Again, NO CLUE.  When I asked why I should take it, their response - "because millions of others have taken it."  Hmm, that's not the science I learned.  Interesting how these guys kinda assumed I'm the less intelligent one because I'm from the South.  Long story, but all the Americans I met in Croatia kinda gave a few back handed compliments to my Southern accent + charm.

THINGS TO MAKE YA GO HMMMMM:  Quite literally - what is the ONLY thing that has changed since 2020?  ANSWER:  We got a new President from some very fuzzy math on election night and the following morning AND if you follow the money, the vaccine companies are BANKING!!!  Who is naïve enough to think the Feds are NOT getting any of that sweet coin?

This blog post is dedicated to an ALT FARRRR LEFT LIBERAL Professor who told me once (paraphraising) -  "if you can tell a story to your audience, you can do anything you want in this world."  He's probably pretty pissed I took that WAYYYYYY MODERATE LIBERTARIAN approach (seeing as though the far left only agrees with Freedom of Speech so long as it meets their own opinionated criteria).  Thanks for the inspiration, dude!

Keepin' it 100%,


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