Monday, October 11, 2021

The Masterful Epiphany of the Century...

 You may remember this from 2020.  If you're a liberal and get your new from the MSM, you probably never even heard about it.  Or if you did, you got their twisted ANTI-GUN narrative.  

Last summer, several HUNDRED BLM protestors, at dusk, wanted to go raise some hell at the the Mayor of St. Louis' house (to allegedly demand her resignation - nothing like terrorizing you at your home to do it, right? - [sarcasm]).   The Mayor resided in this really uber rich community in the suburbs of St. Louis, MO.  From what I remember their gripe was something about defunding the police or something idiotic like that - typical civil unrest from clearly unbalanced crazy liberals during the 4 years of the Trump administration (yet now the libtards  want to label upset parents attending local board meetings simply wanting answers as "domestic terrorists" while they called burning and looting (drum roll please) "peaceful protests" - you CANNOT make this shit up).  Once the "peaceful protestors" illegally broke into this community by destroying their historic wrought iron gate, they started tramping all over the first private property on the corner.  The McCloskeys happened to live in this private home/lot that looks like a small museum.

This twisted bitch apparently didn't learn about the Castle Doctrine in law school.  She went after the couple because she alleged THEY threatened the peaceful protestors.  WHAT A JOKE!

As soon as Mr. McCloskey informed the angry mob that they were infringing on his private property (which he had every right to do), the mob became ENRAGED!   Mr. McCloskey ran to get his gun for protection (again, something he had every right to do and supported by Missouri's Castle Doctrine).  Instead of retreating and leaving his property immediately, they kept pouring in, pulling out their phones to record, and yelling BURN THEIR DOG, shouting disturbing comments about his wife, saying they wanted to break in his house, screaming expletives, threatening to "come back and revisit," and other threats (clearly giving Mr. McCloskey the right to shoot and kill any of them per the Missouri Castle Doctrine which, surprisingly, is much more robust that other states.)  Missouri's Castle Doctrine:   

 Missouri law under Mo. Rev. Stat. § 563.031 provides that if you reasonably believe that deadly force is necessary to protect yourself or another against death, serious physical injury, or any forcible felony, you’re justified in doing so from certain occupied locations [your castle = your home, dwelling].

Had the McCloskeys FAILED to defend their home, NO TELLING what would have happened.  Nobody wants to talk about that.  These BLM protestors destroyed small businesses, burned, looted, broke windows, tore down statues, desecrated graves, YOU NAME IT!  By the way, I just perused YouTube, and they have removed any content showing what the protestors were ACTUALLY yelling and threatening.  It's all muted in any coverage you can still find.  Imagine that.

The McCloskeys owned a big personal injury law firm in St. Louis and were some of the biggest liberals in Missouri.  NOT ANYMORE!  The McCloskeys "done got" what's called "blinded by the light" and had THE MASTERFUL EPIPHANY OF THE CENTRUY.  They are now Conservatives, because they got the privilege of witnessing first hand how liberal lunacy works.  I believe Mr. McCloskey even ran on a Republican ticket recently.  The real shocker (but not really)?  Not one single person in this crazy mob was charged (not even the ones who were armed!)  But, Miss Kim threw the book at the couple, promising to protect "peaceful protestors" who clearly broke the law.

In the end, the McCloskeys took a plea deal (because it just wasn't worth the time and money to allow St. Louis to drag them through the system) and paid $3,000 in fines (which was "pissing in the ocean" for this couple) and had to forfeit the weapons they used to defend their home (which they can clearly replace with their wealth).

Bottom line, St. Louis went against their own right to bear arms and the Castle Doctrine.  What's more, St. Louis is close to where the whole Michael Brown Ferguson thing went down.  Now their inner city has what's referred to as the "Ferguson Effect."  It's where you can literally drive around downtown inner city St. Louis (which I did...thank you to all the people who shot us the bird for being white) and not see ANY police presence at all.  Why?  Because the police learned pretty quickly that it's not worth's best to not respond at all.  When police are damned if they do AND damned if they don't, they stop patrolling + responding to calls in your community.  See how that works?  Anyways, Google it - The Ferguson Effect.  

I've saved the best for last.  Here's me at the McCloskey home on the street (not on their personal property - see how that works?) having entered legally through the front gate in my car!  Enjoy!

If you think this sort of thing only happens in liberal run cities, you're naïve.  If you think they only target non-liberals, you're wrong.  This is a clear example of crazed liberals attacking a THEN liberal couple + their intended target - the liberal Mayor.  Get a gun, protect your home, get your carry permit, and learn gun safety as soon as possible.

Enjoying her right to bear arms,

Colorado Kimmie

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