Thursday, August 12, 2021

Rattlesnake Gulch...

 The State of Colorado boasts 42 state parks, and one in particular being Rattlesnake Gulch.  I can’t wait to visit more!  Located in Boulder, Colorado, this hike is really a magical experience that takes you back in time - literally millions of years.  Maybe you’ll even get lucky and see all these guys: raptors, mountain goat, rattlesnakes, deer, + dragonflies.  The peak gives clear views of the Continental Divide (the geographic point where rain either goes to the Pacific or Atlantic - basically, where water divides 50/50).  And, there's even the semi-spooky remains of burned down hotel at the top.

So, $10 gets you in the park + parking and use of all restroom facilities and hiking.  I think it's $80 to get the pass to all 42 state parks.  Either way, this little adventure is, at a minimum, $10.  Bring water, a snack, sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses “sunnies” if you're me (always), and your camera (phone)...

A little recap of this hiking adventure:

First, there are a TON of raptors to see on this hike.  However, rattlesnakes, despite the name of the trail, are not that common.  They love to bask and bake on a hot boulder when the opportunity arises due to their cold blooded nature.  We take it for granted that our body temps self regulate but these guys have to keep it warm.  I was all ready for my Steve Irwin moment and it just never happened for me.  However, the hillsides are prime for rodents.  It takes 2 minutes for a rattlesnake to inject venom in its needle-sharp fangs and then consume the rodent whole.  Usually rattlesnakes are super shy and steer clear of humans.  However, my friend Brad just told me that these snakes have evolved to not have rattlers (this has happened in Texas).  It’s because the ones with rattles were getting shot by ranchers.  So evolution at its finest.  So, thanks, Brad, for that terrifying thought.  I will definitely be a little more alert.  If your dog gets bitten, there are four hospitals in all of Colorado that offer the anti-venom.  So it’s best to keep your dogs leashed.

Cool fact: the rattlers are made of dead/tissue skin!  Fact check me.  They can shake their money makers for hours without wearing out!  Twerk it!

If you love dragonflies (eeeeeeeee, meeeeee, I do!), you'll see swarms of them.  It's just so magical - they look prehistoric.  I'm really into dragonflies and little hummingbirds, lately.  And, I delivered not one picture of these dragonfly swarms I speak of.  Sorry, guys.

Normally this is a loop.  However, the loop part of this trail is closed until around July 15th to protect the nesting of the Golden Eagles on the southside of the canyon.  Golden Eagles are a protected species and any harm to an eagle could result in 1 year imprisonment + $5,000 fine.  The authority is under the US Fish + Wildlife Service and the "Bald + Golden Eagle Protection Act" + "Migratory Bird Treaty Act."  It's really sad how the Golden Eagle became so endangered.  A series of nest disturbances, habitat loss, and pesticides (DDT from the '60's) all combined to make survival on the rocks pretty tough for these little guys.  The silver lining?  Instead of an 8 mile loop, it's a little longer with the ol' in and out.  So, you get more steps in...IF, your into that sorta thing.

Where the loop was temporarily closed...

Okay back to the raptors.  Deez birds can swoop up to 150 miles per hour for their meals!  These are all the different birds you can see on this hike, depending on the time of year (I also listed their individual wing span):

The trail had these little guys everywhere to help spot raptors...

Golden Eagles - 84" - Year Round

Bald Eagle - 80" - Winter

Turkey Vulture - 72" - Year Round

Red Tailed Hawk - 50" - Year Round

Peregrine Falcon - 43" - Summer

Prairie Falcon - 39" - Summer

Sharp-Shinned Hawk - 24" - Summer

White-Throated Swift - 14" - Summer

Cliff Swallow - 12" - Summer

Rock Dove - 18" - Year Round 

Quick note: What is terminal velocity speed?  It’s 150 mph!!!


Crags Hotel was a cool luxury hotel located atop Rattlesnake Gulch (at the upper loop) from 1908-1912.  There was a Moffat Railroad where travelers could pay $1 for a roundtrip to the Crags Hotel from Denver.  Hotel guests would enjoy singing, dancing, and playing poker.  Sadly in 1912, a fire ended all the fun in 1912.  It's still up in the air on whether the fire was started by arson or natural causes.  Probably some asshole throwing down a spent cigarette.

Inflation Calculator Alert: $1 then would be $28 today.  Still a darn good deal for round trip!

Archeologists agree this is one of the best preserved retaining walls...

There are still the original rusted out old nails in the remains of the fireplace...

Rock Climbers Everywhere!  Supreme climber's dream...

Can you find the climber?

I always wanted to do this...a little progress picture action.  
From the bottom to the top, baby!


At d'bottom.  The view from the top is always best, though...

A wee bit closer...

And, closer...
Can you see the climber?

What was this guy going off trail for?

He was taking a shot of these guys.  So pretty, no?

I'm pretty sure these are prickly pears, but I could be way wrong...

One overlook from the top...

Ummm, that's the Continental Divide behind me!  A view form Boulder!
I couldn't be any more surprised if I woke up with my head sewn to the carpet...

I climbed up on the park bench for a little better view of that CD!

I decided to smile in this one.  My money shot...

This was the cutest, laziest deer in the world...

He just plopped down and munched on the tree...

Can you spot the climber??

Really loved these colors...

Another part human party billy goat...can you spot?

Along the roadside into the park...

Some cave action...

Me going "Okay, I get how caves are cool, but it would be really cool 
if you could get out of my shot for a wee second..."

On the way back home...


Welll, thanks for stopping in, guys.  I'm actually experiencing some nervitedness right now.  It's where you're nervous + excited, but like, in a really good way.  I'm vending my mermaid sand bars at my very first farmer's market in Erie, Colorado tonight.  I'll let you guys know how it goes and my set up from start to finish (if I remember to take pictures)...

Live free,

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