Saturday, December 18, 2021

Weird Science: Magic and Technology

Oh, you have a headache?  Reach for the medicine cabinet.  For sure, copious amounts of water and good nap won't make it go away.  Speaking of, has anyone gotten their 10th Pfizer Loyalty booster punches.  I heard you get a free sub sandwich for being loyal to their science!

Ensue music, from my heart and from my hand, why don't people understand:

I just looked it up and this book, "Why We Get Sick," can be purchased for less than $5 online, and it will change your life.  Truth be told, it's probably at your local library just sitting there collecting dust.  I happened to read this book towards the beginning of the "plandemic" in early 2020 - just in time for Lord Fauci and our Congress to usher in mail-in ballots, thus orchestrating the largest voter fraud in US history.  The election of 2020 was a straight SCIENTIFICALLY MATHEMATICALLY INFEASIBLE outcome ESPECIALLY for a man who hid in his basement and never once campaigned!  

If an apple a day keep the doctors away, like, then why are people running for vaccines and there are always apples in stock at the grocery store.

If you're still flat denying that fraud happened in real time right in front of our eyes (which happens worldwide, since the Greeks invented democracy - so we can't deny it happens - and, ironically, is being denied by the very SAME people who screamed VOTER FRAUD for FOUR YEARS straight until they were blue in the face and are now saying, "Rest assured, there was no fuzzy math here - nothing to see here, folks."  Literally, if you're still a voter fraud denier, you're still a slave to identity politics.  Did you know Google was hindering email circulation and searches during election year - to Republicans only?  That's putting your thumb on the scale pretty profoundly.  Tech oligarchs and Big Tech hampered abilities to collect donor funds.  Please, by all means, fact check me on this.  How would you feel if Google leaned right and hampered the Left?

One more thing related to the Presidential election...

Pelosi won't release Capitol videos from January 6th!  Why?  Why wouldn't she publicly want to vindicate her "cause" that Trump supporter are "Domestic Terrorist" because they don't vote for her party.  Why wouldn't she want to show "the horrors" reported by MSNBC and CNN - the same "horrors" that landed people in prison with zero due-process - held without being arraigned, without bail, in isolation somewhere in Maryland - they're political prisoners being treated less than TRUE terrorists (remember when Obama traded a bunch of Taliban fighters at GITMO for an alleged traitor/deserter?)  Why won't she release the videos?  Answer:  Because it actually shows guards opening the doors for the peaceful protestor to enter - the SAME footage captured by cell phones.  That's called entrapment.  That's called a set-up.  It's now being uncovered that FBI members were planted in the crowds that day.  Let me repeat this for those in the back row -- People held up phones and video'd CAPITOL guards opening the door and ushering protestors in.  Yet Nancy Pelosi says the Capitol was violently stormed and "worse than the Civil War or Pearl Harbor."  Nancy Pelosi, the same loose dentured tupperware wench who cheered on the burning of car dealerships in Kenosha - because they happened to vote the right way.  You didn't know all this?  Maybe stop getting your news from Jimmy Kimmel - an indoctrination expert.  

Anyways, back to WHY WE GET SICK (and why they don't want you to REMEMBER science).  I saw this recently - OMICRON rearranged spells "MORONIC."  It's true!  We have Dr. Fauci, the HIGHEST PAID (more than even Joe Biden) government official in the USA - a publicity hound - who IS a scientist (claiming he IS science) who simultaneously DENIES + CHERRY PICKS science to suit his narrative, those who pay him, and his shared political agenda.  

Fauci doesn't want you to remember human biology and anatomy - how damn resilient our immune systems are and how absolutely powerful the human body is.   And what happened after he got everyone to deny this scientific fact?  The CDC - a government run and funded agency - ADMITTED (albeit, after the masses lined up for a jab and stock prices SOARED), that natural immunity is FAR more effective than any concoction injected at some super hyper frigid cold temperature (stored at negative 90 degrees, then thawed and diluted with a saline solution, THEN stored between 35-77 degrees and injected within 6 hours or they lose money on it - just in case you're wondering why they want ya lined up ready to go!)  

Most recently Fauci even admitted the vaccine COULD be doing more harm than good.   Yet, JUST last night after a Christmas dinner, I was segregated from attending a magic show (after sitting down and eating with no mask for a couple of hours with people who were then admitted in after showing a vaccine passport).  Even more than natural immunity, if you've ACTUALLY acquired COVID and built white blood cells and resistance, (again, the CDC admits) this is far more effective than anything J&J, Pfizer, or Moderna can cook in any lab!  QUESTION: Why, then, are they STILL punishing these healthy people?  

Side note: In California, kids were lined up and given the jab for pizza and told "don't tell your parents."  Parents are ABSOLUTELY furious.  These are MINORS!  Ethics violation FOR DAYS!  So they're lining up kids and jabbing them with needles with no informed consent, but y'all still believe kids aren't being jabbed with penises in pedophilia.  Okay, another blog there...I'll circle back on this one.

I would like to stop right here, and you may be convicted if you're one of the many I'm referring to right now, but there are actually people who took a total of FOUR jabs in one year and ARE STILL getting deathly sick and ill beyond reprieve.  I know someone in Colorado who has cancelled plans with me TWICE after getting the double jab, the booster and flu shot - all while I'm vax free and have remained completely healthy.  TRUE!  Further, EVERY.  SINGLE. PERSON. I KNOW. SUPER SICK RIGHT NOW TOOK A VACCINE (all COVID double jabbed at a minimum)!

I was blessed to be able to be spend time with family this past Thanksgiving season.  My mom recently told me that I remind her of her brother, in that, I am not afraid to try anything.  I am a woman of many talents and can easily learn and pick up new skills.  However, one thing that cannot be taught is having an eye for energy flow, for work flow, feng shui, and being able to give energy and new organization to a space.  As a gift of service, I gave my mom's kitchen a thorough deep clean - which is something that should be done at least twice a year.  

Due to all the dust and natural pathogens that were flying around in the air, my mom got a very aggressive allergy attack.  Her nose started running like crazy and she started getting "cloudy head," itchy eyes - typical sinus-attack.  I saw her run to the pantry and reach for an over-the-counter medication.  "MOM!" I said, "Your body is trying to excrete pathogens...let it - don't suppress what your body is doing right now!"  And, I explained to her that we spend so much money in OTC to mask or cover symptoms such as a fever INSTEAD of allowing our bodies to EXCRETE waste and heal itself.

My mom put the medicine back.  The allergy attack actually got a little worse and she had to leave the room.  And, then, just like that, it suddenly got better.  And, all the symptoms stopped.  And, she felt so much better.  Our bodies, daily, work to dispel waste through peeing/pooping, swelling, sweating, tearing, mucus producing, bleeding, vomiting, shedding cells, female menstruating, and believe it or not, BREATHING!  Breathing is a way for our body to excrete waste called carbon dioxide.  We were never ever meant to strap something over our air passages to prevent this natural waste excretion.  What we are breathing OUT is waste!  Pure and simple.  We are not suppose to breathe it back in!  If you don't how important exhaling is, then why don't you do a little experiment - hold your breath!  Don't breath and see what happens.  Take some time today to research the importance of breath and breathing and how it's tied to mental clarity.  Also, look up - how your brain health is tied to oxygen intake - and how restriction of oxygen over time can lead to slow brain death.

You gotta make people question their convictions - when one man was behind the vaccine, people were against it.  Then when another man takes the throne, these same people are now not only FOR it, but cheering on forced mandates.  And then, in an astute attitude of supremacy basically saying, "I'm better than you because I have an experimental injection circulating through my body changing my DNA!"  It's true, these same people are exemplifying a form of supremacy that you think you're some super human - when it could be weakening your own immunity.  There are no clinical trials and we don't even know what's in it, lest no long term effects.  We have seen some pretty scary short term effects that are FAR scarier than flu-like symptoms.

I'm not a doctor and I still know you don't quarantine perfectly healthy people.  Why?  Simple - because I have common sense.  But, how did Dr. Fauci actually convince the masses to make healthy people less healthy (with no contact, no sunshine, no exercise, wearing masks)?  He simply convinced the herd (because Doctors never lie), for the first time in history, healthy people were "asymptomatic super-spreaders" and that we must fear each other, LEGIT everyone - even your own family.

I'm not a doctor and I realize how unhealthy AND dangerous it is to not only restrict oxygen with cloth and or surgical masks (I actually live in a mile high area where you can pass out from not being acclimated) but you're actually breathing back in your CO2 waste!  Our bodies were never meant to breathe back in waste.  Our bodies were never meant to be active while wearing barriers over our two breathing inlets and outlets.  Also, I'm not a doctor and I realize that our eyeballs are much more sponge-like and absorbent to pathogens and viruses and our nose and mouth combined.

I'm not a doctor, but I know that if you have a communicable disease and sneeze, it'll spread MUCH farther than 6 feet.  This is also a lost science called "logic" and "common sense."  Your Hello Kitty face mask will not prevent you from contracting a "dangerous" Level 4 biohazard whipped up in a Chinese lab EVEN at a six feet distance to your peer.  Masks do nothing.  Social distancing do nothing.

I'm not a doctor but I could SEE that 100% of COVID rules made absolutely ZERO scientific sense.  For example, according to Lord Fauci, if we're all ASYMPTOMATIC super spreaders, then why were work places and businesses conducting  temperature checks?  Nonsensical rules gave people a false sense of safety and made them FEEL like people really cared about their health and well-being.  And, these rules over and over again showed just how ignorant the masses are.  Not only how non-critical and non-analytical thinking the average Joe is, but how said Joe can turn into a taunting bully, gas-lighting others to believe absolute bullshit and deny reality - even promoting ratting out and telling on your peer, neighbor and family - "get them fined and confined."  It's absolutely ridiculous.  Ripe for Marxism.

A doctor can go to school for decades and still be too dumb to admit they don't know everything.  Also what do you call someone who graduates medical school with a "D"...a DOCTOR!  Who was put on trial after WWII and the Holocaust?  Look up the Nuremberg Trial!  Answer: Doctors who were not just complicit but ACTIVE in human experimentation and torture.

Back to the book.  OMG, this is legit how I think ALL THE TIME.  My favorite part was when the author referenced horses and the epiglottis and how horses can can drink and breathe simultaneously.  But, how humans can legit choke on thimble size of water.  You recognize that's our flaw and then learn how to overcome it.  That's why I often wonder how some stupid people sleep without choking on their spit.  Like how do you even remember how to sleep?  It's so wrong to judge people like I just did.  I only judge people for the sake of amusement.  Really, I don't care that much.  I'm entertained more than anything.

The world used to operate where stupid people died (survival of the fittest), but now we are in a society where not only are they breeding the most, they are making policy now.  If you haven't seen "Idiocracy" yet, put it on your next movie night list.  It's really really really stupid...but nothing different than how critical thinkers have felt the past two years.  One word: ELECTROLYTES!

Did you know that many of us DO NOT trust an industry that makes BILLIONS by keeping the masses sick, nor the fact that every single product RECALLED by the FDA was once APPROVED by the FDA.  And, oh yeah, stupid shit like how the system doesn't care about your health.  I mean, c'mon do I even have to explain this one?  LOOK AROUND!!!  WE ARE IN THE PITS OF UNHEALTHY HELL, HELEN!!!  (wink)

Last question: If the vaccine (which it's not really a vaccine because it's clearly providing zero immunity) is more of "therapeutic" or symptom reducer (which 1) there is zero way to scientifically know that at this point in time, and 2) crazy how quickly when they learned you could still both contract and spread the virus, they turned to "oh well, it makes it far less worse when you get it"), THEN WHY DO YOU CARE IF I TAKE IT OR NOT?  Let me be like my mom and let it run it's course and let me be let my body work it out like it DESIGNED and BUILT to do.  If your medicine works, then why would you care whether I suppress symptoms.  And further, by suppressing symptoms, aren't YOU really the unknowing super-spreader by going out into society, showing zero symptoms, and spreading it when you should be staying home quarantining?

Applauding critical thinkers of society,

Colorado Kimmie

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