Thursday, December 2, 2021

The Truman Syndrome

Hey Comrades!  

Busy week, no?  The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial, Jussie Smollet trial, the long overdue deconstruction of Roe v. Wade using real science, and (drumroll please)...a brand new variant just in time for Christmas.  With this 4-ring circus, I certainly appreciate the time you took to tune into, whether you are a friend or a foe. 

I was recently in Seaside, Florida and had the opportunity to retake a few photos from 2020 which I lost from both an iPhone blackout (after refusing the COVID tracker update) and mid 2021 permanent Facebook deactivation.  The piece of real estate behind me is the setting in one of my favorite movies (which consequently has one of my favorite movie quotes).  Jim Carey plays Truman Burbank, a man who slowly starts to discover in his adulthood that he has been living in a manufactured reality since being in the womb - and, which is televised globally 24/7.  If you're an empath like me, this "fictional" theme really hit harder.  Truman Burbank had been lied to his entire life.  Those closest to him, even his wife and best friend, were all paid actors.  Nothing was real. 

After the Truman Show became a box office hit, the American Psychiatric Association added a "syndrome" to their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - their booklet referred to it as both "The Truman Show Delusion" and, for short, "The Truman Syndrome."  According to the APA, the Truman Syndrome is a type of "delusion" in which a person either:
1) Believes their lives are staged reality shows
2) OR, that they are being watched on camera

POP QUIZ:  In the comments below, take a guess at the two words (a piece of legislation) that challenges the APA's delusion theory.  HINT: It was drafted BEFORE 9/11!

So, now to my favorite quote in the movie, spoken by Cristof, the creator of the Truman Show:

"We accept the reality of the world in which we are presented.  It's as simple as that."

My second fave quote or dialogue exchange happens between Truman and his creator:

Truman Burbank: Was nothing real?
Cristof: You were real...and that's what makes you so good to watch.
(it suggests in such a fake world, people crave truth and authenticity)

In another movie starring Jim Carey called "Liar, Liar," Jim Carey promises:

"The truth shall set you free."

The illusion that you've been given a true reality through your trusted news network, politician or seemingly concerned Hollywood spokesperson is the true delusion.  Probably the hardest to break.  I catch clips of the "free news" (news available to the masses that isn't on Sirius XM or independent radio) and I witness how believable it can sound.  Paid actors can do just that!  Your entire perspective will change once you accept this as truth -  the news is as sensational as the tabloid magazines you laughed at in your youth.  Instead of Cristof, the Director, Owner/Creator of the Truman Show, here are the creators of your daily reality:

Their total combined worth and the dollar price to bring you a manufactured reality?  $430 BILLION!

If you're still reading and going, "WOW, this Colorado Kimmie is off her damn rocker," I ask you to consider this:  Ghislaine Maxwell is one of the MOST sensational cases of our lifetime - a remote elitist island where rich elites (Musicians, Actors, Politicians, Directors - The Who's Who of Eliteville) raped minors in a sex trafficking ring!)  And, you're hearing and seeing NOTHING about it.  Why is that?  Because we were just given FULL MSM coverage of Kyle Rittenhouse who killed two people in self-defense with a high-powered rifle.  Yet, there is hardly any coverage of the man who killed 6 people with his SUV in a true hate crime.  In this scenario, you have a man who committed a true hate crime, the death count in higher, and it happened at a place you would never think a mass murder would occur - Wikausha, Wisconsin's 58th Annual Christmas Parade.  Not only is the MSM calling this an "Accident with an SUV," completely refusing to mention the madman's name (go ahead and try to google the event and actually find the man's name mentioned - you either won't or it'll be hard), but the entire crime is garnering almost zero coverage??  Think about why they "Mute" certain stories, or why you are "protected" against certain national or world news events (like HUGE protests in Melbourne and France over the non-stop AND non-effective COVID restrictions and mandates) while other "stories" run on non-stop rotation, repeating the same talking points.  Now, go to your local library and check out books on mind control.  Every single one of them will mention: REPITION!

Some other pictures of Seaside and Santa Rosa Beach - and allow me to make mention that Florida had ZERO MASKS, ZERO MANDATES, ZERO RESTRICTIONS and the lowest COVID rates in the that liberals are still completely ignoring:

First and drinks

Peel n eat shrimp and bloody mary's

Rut row...a little food allergy aggravates geographic tongue

Such a fun atmosphere

Beautiful palms everywhere you look

Bella loved the visit...

Bella is the most good natured dog you will ever meet, yet she looks like she could whip someone's ass in this photo...

My mom pointing out the ass on the front of this VW...

Smack dab in downtown Seaside is one of Florida's first Charter Schools...

I'm being completely serious...awesome courtyards to play seaside, and outdoor cafeteria...veggie and herb gardens everywhere...I would love to be a teacher at this school.

Santa's little helpers...

Me and my brother as transgendered elves...

My awesome mom and dad - married for 47 years (my brother taking the photo)

Most of the sidewalks and resting areas had this in the beautiful!

Bye Seaside!  Until next time!  I want you to have my mermaid soaps in your cute boutique shops!

Happy December + Keepin' it real + I just got a hair make-over yesterday,

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