Saturday, March 12, 2022

Nourishment for the Mind, Body and Soul...

 Good day, Mates!

Sorry it's been a while!  I've been busy with some new exciting hobbies, including wine and cheese making and canning!  I'll just jump right in, like the straight shooter I am.  Today I would like to talk about our health:

What I'm about to share with you is like "night and day" to the information you've been receiving from the following sources (all of which clearly have demonstrated financial conflicts of interest):

  • The media
  • MOST healthcare professionals
  • National healthcare organizations
  • Our "fearless and caring" federal government
  • Health magazines and the entire "health and diet" industry


I'll start with the biggest elephant in the room is that the CDC and WHO (once trusted organizations) never ONCE mentioned diet and lifestyle during the entire crux of the "pandemic."  Instead they pushed pharma and masks (along with complete isolation and social distancing).  I can't count the times on all my toes, fingers and other appendages (you can count my proverbial ones) I've been shunned for speaking truths and making statements concerning health because I'm not a doctor.  To me, this is a complete compliment (that I'm not a doctor) since doctors are the THIRD leading cause of death in the United States.  Most people now view doctors as legal drug dealers who take back door financial gain in exchange for pushing the latest and greatest pill.

Bottom line, the focus is all wrong.   Our focus should be on healthy lifestyles and strong immunities (yes, the immune system that was deemed a conspiracy theory at the start of all this.)  Our focus should be on not remaining sick and, thus stuck like a hamsters on a wheel in the broken medical system.  Look, it no longer takes a person to with a medical degree to see that our healthcare system is completely broken.  Just look to Eastern populations versus Western.  We are sick, obese, fatigues, and most of us are popping countless pills and not even QUESTIONING a new emergency vaccine since our entire lives depend on pill popping to even function.

Here's the hard truth.  Many Americans don't even focus on their overall health until they are sick or someone close to them suddenly dies.  This is what is called "reactive" or "episodic" care of our bodies and overall health. 

What I'm about to share is called "proactive" and a more INTENTIONAL focus on health, especially when it comes to our daily diet.  I'm the first to admit, after taking quite a few financial hits during the pandemic and due to the failing economy (soaring inflation) that eating healthy was not my primary focus.  I just wanted to EAT!  At one point I was surviving off donations a coworker had picked up from the foodbank to include boxed mac and cheese and expired canned food.

However, and this is such a GOD thing, but in 2020 I made a networking connection with someone in Western Colorado through social media.  This woman is a living example of fortitude and a model of someone I aspire to be.  She invited me for a visit since it was high time we met in "real life."  We both had experienced traumas and similar life situations.  When I arrived, I had a lovely room, access to great accommodations (including a luxury bathroom with spa shower), and a personal chef who cooked organic vegan meals.  She took me out for wine tastings, trivia, and karaoke.  I had the BEST time.  And, what I realized was: unlike some other people I had met in Colorado during the pandemic who turned out to be energy vampires - this woman showed me what it's like when two women pour into each other and synergize and SUPPORT each other.  It felt awesome.

Even though she knew of my financial difficulties - on our last day of time together, she introduced me to a new way of looking at food and properly fueling my body quickly.  I take no pharma whatsoever and was accustomed to taking supplements (and I thought this was enough).  But, what I learned is was I was just taking a teenie tiny percentage of what great resources are found if we only ate a well balanced diet of fruits and veggies.  And, well, my new wellness journey is something to be continued but so far so REALLY REALLY GOOD!  To be continued...

Here are some pictures of the trip I captured....

Talon Winery was our first wine tasting stop...and we bonded with this strong woman before a wind and snow storm suddenly blew through and tumbleweed was flying like mad.  Cheers and wishing this lady a great relocation back to the South and to her roots.

Gorgeous horizons...

Breakfast every morning!  Steel cut oatmeal..wishing I took more pics of the organic and wholesome vegan meals I was served.

A dive bar in Fruita...

My kinda establishment...

Monkey butts and keep'm coming

Some karaoke magic at this microbrewery in Fruita, CO.  We opened it up with Lee Greenwood and won the crowd.

Not really sure what's going on here but it doesn't look good.

Reminder to love with a some demonic looking art.  I!?!

Lab work...

Mountain Air Roasters - downtown Grand Junction...


Again, my kinda establishment...

Some new flare I picked up on my trip.  Father for the Fatherless - Look em up!  This guy is doing great things and setting some amazing examples!  

Lavender wine from Talon fave!

Trivia Night at Ramblebine Brewery had the best bar food ever!

We came in 6th place, but the conversation, food, and beer and connections came in 1st place!

We just got one of everything because we love carbs...

My personal chef for the trip and new friend for life...

Saw this on my trip and loved it!

Cheers to strong women and divine visions...

Future wine cellar goals...

Are you a mead fan?  I'm on the fence still...

Nice coffee chats...

Talon Vineyards - a combination of THREE vineyards.  Great locations and good place to stop.

Talking about Uganda and smiling because how can you not when you see what visionaries from God are capable of doing!

Oscar is 100% a leg guy...he licked my entire leg.  

And I liked it...

Apparently COVID cannot enter these bubbles.  Science!  (wink)

Moody skies are my fave...



Colorado Kimmie

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