Thursday, July 15, 2021

Follow the Yellow Brick Road...

Whoa!  Just noticing I've been gone for a bit.  Sorry about that, but I had a few distractions from my writing.  Good distractions, but still distractions.  So, what's on my mind?  I have a lot to say, strap in because it may be a bumpy ride.  And, please be patient as I try to connect all these dots in my head.  I'm definitely NOT on a linear thinking path in this blog.  I do realize attention spans are short, so if you make it through to the end, props to you, my friend.  There's an uplifting ending.

Let's begin, shall we?

I think people, in general, are just looking for acceptance.  Except me.  Recently, I came across a YouTube video on my social media feed that described my personality type perfectly.  If anyone is interested, I'll link it right here (legit, I hit all ten characteristics):

A few of the characteristics of a lone wolf are that I couldn't care less if I'm accepted or not.  I just don't.  And, I'm okay with standing completely alone when the entire crowd is going a different direction. Sure I'm nice and likeable and goofy, but I could honestly care less if you like me or not.  I'd rather be authentic and free than worry about pleasing everyone (which is as fabled as a unicorn).  By taking this natural born approach, I find my tribe is much easier to find (and, likewise, they can find me).  I'm drawn to other truthers, other "counter cultural" critical thinkers.  My personality trait is super rare (along with having red hair and grey eyes...I'm different, what can I say?).  

But again, in general, the reality is that most people ARE looking to be accepted or connected...

So, I wish to start by transcribing a speech Mark Zuckerberg gave at Georgetown University in regards to the importance of freedom of expression (or, as I like to call, AUTHENTICITY) during a highly political time in history (I mean, even COVID got politicized to the point people could not even see the absurdities of it):

"We are at another crossroads.  We can either continue to stand for free expression understanding its messiness but believing that the long journey towards greater progress requires confronting ideas that challenge us.  Or we can decide that the cost is simply too great.  And, I'm here today, because I believe we must continue to stand for free expression."  

Don't believe the "inventor" of Facebook said that (I put quotes around 'inventor,' because we all know he stole the idea of Facebook from his friends at Harvard)?  YouTube it!  You can watch his speech live, in living color.  Wow, what a bunch of horse shit from SS Officer Lead Nazi of Cancer Culture, Obersturmfuhrer Zuckerturd!  

Here are a few memes saved to my phone that I'll further explain on our journey down the yellow brick road...

It's wild that there is a chronic reminder to accept everyone for just about every diversity factor ever EXCEPT those who refuse to comply with "groupthink" (oh, and white, male Christians -- an upcoming blog, I promise).  Allow me to rephrase that, we're on a constant loop of being indoctrinated that that women, LGBTQ identifiers, people of color are all disenfranchised and not accepted. Yet nobody seems to want to talk about the blatant cancel culture and complete censorship of anyone with DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT!  If you are a free and critical thinker, suddenly you are labeled as an "EXTREMIST" by the far left.  Never mind just last year, people were cheering on the rioting and burning down of our cities, desecrating statues, terrorizing business owners, setting up little ANTIFA cities, terrorizing police, ass naked with "pussy hats" screaming little tantrums.  Never mind when people were talking about blowing up the White House or killing Trump.  No, Facebook had ZERO interest extremism then.

Like Toto in the Wizard of Oz who pulls back the curtain on the Wizard to expose the truth, many people are starting to have a mass awakening when it comes to our media, big pharma, government, our learning institutions, banking institutions, and even Hollywood.  

A quick interlude (commercial break) right here to share some photos at July Garland's (Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz) grave at the "Hollywood Forever Cemetery" in the City of Angels, California.

Inside the mausoleum

Judy's final resting place

The mural outside the mausoleum

Follow the yellow brick road!

Bella paying her respects to Toto...

Mmmmkay, back to the regularly scheduled programming...

I'm one of those movie nerds who can't watch a movie without making mental note of all the propaganda Hollyweird is pushing through entertainment.  We are the United States of Entertain ME!  (If you haven't seen "Idiocracy," please take the time to watch it.)  Speaking of idiots, I really love what one LinkedIn member wrote about the pre-Independence Day witch hunt of free and independent thinkers (this was so eloquent, I couldn't have said it better myself):

"At this point, it's plain to see that big tech massively overplayed its hand this week on what it really thinks about those who dare to have their own ideas.  I was talking to some friends about this yesterday, and one of them said, "Groupthink has completely supplanted rational thought.  Nobody in the [Facebook] conference room had the guts to say, "THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA!"  
Facebook's decision to start soliciting users to report friends who are "becoming extremists" demonstrated a complete lack of cultural + intellectual awareness.  

It may come as a shock to our tech overlords, but we actually know our family, friends and colleagues in real life.  We spend Christmas together, we play sports together, and we go to church together.

You cannot tell us that the people we know cover to cover are "extremists"...I'm sorry...

Underestimating the backlash would be one thing, but it was particularly the outright blindness to how easily memeable -- therefore mockable -- the entire charade was.

This exposes another fatal flaw in "The Matrix" of control freaks.  Having precisely zero creative sense of humor, they never saw the avalanche of parody coming.

Most power-hungry folks are actually very unhappy in the deepest parts of who they are, and they project their own lack of joy onto others by trying to control them even more.

This is a key weakness to be exploited.  Statists despise mockery, so try and make one laugh -- or at least give them a hug once in a while."

So, yeah, I'm one of those critical thinkers..."Extremists!"   I will NOT blindly follow $cience, authority, the government, anyone or anything.  I read, and I do my own research.  It's pretty clear from a not so distant World history what happens when people have "Groupthink."  I also used to be in sales and was formally trained on the art of manipulation (so it's easy for me to spot it).  Additionally, I've been in a relationship with more than a few narcissists and know about gaslighting and manipulation.  So, yes, I instinctually + continually ask critical questions and I think for MYSELF (which seems to be deemed dangerous to those who wish to control you...think George Orwell, "1984")...

Since 2020 (election year), I have been chronically hit by Zuckerberg's Nazi cronies (Doublespeak: "Fact Checkers") with censorship to my posts by Facebook.  When I say censorship, either my posts are completely removed or they are greyed/clouded over and labeled as "lies" basically.  When I click to see why the post was censored, it's so laughable because nothing in the reasoning explains why the post was censored.  On a daily basis, every morning I would go to my settings and see my account infiltrated with up to 30 Fact Checking bots.  I got in the habit of blocking them first thing when I logged on.

Also, I cannot not ever go Live (I never did, but the fact this has been disabled to my account pisses me off!).  That feature is completely disabled for good, because Facebook is so scared of what I might think and share live??!  I'm also not able to advertise.  And, none of my posts are shareable.  On my end, they show as shareable, but alas, no one is able to share my posts!

Then it started going beyond censorship.  I started getting bans, or what ex-Facebook convicts call jail, the clink, the iron bar motel.  It started with 24 hour bans and escalated to 30 days.  The entire month of May I sat in FB jail.  

Then, days leading up to the recent Independence Holiday, when Facebook became completely cultural deaf by encouraging people to report their neighbors and friends as Extremists, my account was completely DISABLED and REMOVED from Facebook.  On July 3rd (in the afternoon), I checked my phone to see threatening warnings from Facebook (with ZERO explanation of why) that they had disabled my account and completely removed it.  All I was offered were two choices.  I had thirty days to accept that fate OR I could disagree with the decision (SOME appeals process, huh).  After disagreeing with the decision, I was then sent a message that the "powers that be" (that no less work for a sneak that stole the idea of Facebook from his "friends" and was photographed at the illuminati bathhouse at Epstein Island) at Facebook "headquarters" would review my account in its entirety to determine if I was allowed to return to Facebook.

I was sent an apology email notifying me that my account had been restored.  And, only then did I get to see that Facebook had gone back to JANUARY to the following meme as a justification to completely make me "obsolete" (think "1984") on their social media platform:

One of many apologies after threatening legal action...

This is just page 1 of all my alleged (yet unexplained) violations against Facebook Community Standards...

This is the meme from January that got me OBSOLETE on Independence Day Weekend.  If you don't think I got that little "message" from Facebook loud and clear...

Well, if the Nazi boot fits, Zuckerberg, feel free to lace that bitch up and wear it! 

This happened to a LOT of people.  And, a LOT of people are not very happy right now.  It's so weird to see people I know and once respected completely accepting this fascist cancel culture just because it "seems" to back their own ideologies and groupthink.  Because, the truth is, when the government boot is on your neck, it won't matter if it's Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, gay or've given up your freedom, PERIOD!  Just ask Cuba!  If you missed it, they protested the streets this week because they gave up all their freedoms for "free" government control.  Ain't nothing free!  Oh by the way, the Cuban commie government has just shut down power + internet to its citizens to prevent them any communication of the horrors to the outside world.  Are you prepared for a potential Cyber Pandemic?

The light at the end of the tunnel?

I'll end with some of my favorite quotes about diversity...TRUE DIVERSITY!

Diversity and inclusion, which are the real grounds for creativity, must remain at the center of what we do.  - Marco Bizzarri (such a cool last name)

It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity, there is beauty, and there is strength.  - Maya Angelou

Unity, NOT uniformity, must be our aim.  We attain unity only through variety.  Differences must be integrated, not annihilated, not absorbed.  - Mary Parker Follett

Diversity: the art of thinking independently together. - Malcolm Forbes

Thanks for stopping in...and if you've gotten this far, I appreciate you sticking with me.  And, I'll leave you with this.  It's a note I left on the visitor's book at Judy Garland's grave:

Crusader, err, I mean COLORADO Kimmie

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