Friday, July 23, 2021

CK Mermaid Sand Bars

 I took a break from purging old stuff to make way for new.  My body was feeling so fatigued.  I didn't really want to go anywhere in this heat.  I had purchased way more glycerin soap online than anyone needs to know about.  It was just sitting on my kitchen counter staring at me.    

 While I was purging old stuff I found some pictures + some jewelry and the inspo just hit me right between the eyes.  I got a little dizzy.  

CK Mermaid Sand Bars were born.       

CK Mermaid Sand Bars

They come in different shapes and sizes

I was in the "study" for these.  I found these bars made my feet and legs feel like I had just walked out of the ocean.  I felt so refreshed and smooth...

This was my second batch...a little saltier...

Another batch...

My soap making shoes...I needed red ones.  

Senior Year High School Mermaid

Mermaid Mantra

This one was my favorite bar.  It smells SO GOOD...

Mermaid Apothecary 

I sent off a CK Mermaid Salt Bar to an 11 year old named Eva...

Wrapping up the bars for a little market research...

I really love these because they can get in between your toes...

The Little Mermaid
A Whole New World

Mermaid War Paint...

I did some market research yesterday with people who have helped me in some way.  They got a free Mermaid Sand Bar.  All I asked in return was to be real with me.  Tell me the good, the bad and the ugly.  I can't better if you don't.  But, give me examples of how it can be better, instead of just saying you don't like it.  One lady who reminds me of someone I met earlier in my life just held them up to her nose and her eyes rolled back in her head and she smiled real big.  YUUUUUUUS, she gets it.  These moisturizing glycerin sea bars have exfoliants from the ocean floor.  Added in are mermaid weeds, magical pebbles and seashells I found by the seashore.  I used hints of lavender and eucalyptus mint for natural healing oils.   

It's so crazy that a mermaid living out in the desert made Mermaid Sand Bars.  But, it explains why I can do 14'ers.  Lack of oxygen nor depths scare me.  Let's face it too, Mermaid sea feet and legs with this dry climate can make for some pretty scaley and ashy bits.  Mermaids like to keep soft supple feet.  Ummm, and MERMEN!  Hello!  Keep those feet nice and clean, please.  Giggles.

If you want mermaid feet and legs too...

You can email me your inquiries and or order at:

Each CK Mermaid Sand Bar is $15

The smaller gem sized ones are 2 for $20

Of course there are bulk negotiations to be had Under the Sea...

If I were a bar of soap I'd wanna be a CK Mermaid Sand Bar, because it reminds me of this song my Aunt taught me as a kid:

Oh I wish I were a little bar of soap

Oh I wish I were a little bar of soap

I'd go slippy slippy slidy over everybody's hiney ohhhhhhhh

I wish I were a little bar of soap.

(Nice little jingle no?)


Colorado Kimmie

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