Thursday, October 15, 2020

Protecting, Promoting and Improving Your Health

Several years ago, a family member gifted me with a Ninja after my beloved juicer broke.  I love gifts like that... "gifts that keeps on giving."  Sorta like all of my friends who had birthdays during our national toilet paper crisis.  Those rolls kept on giving, no?  

Let's face it, juicing can be expensive and it's a lot of work (and a lot of waste, in my opinion)!  I was throwing so much food down the disposal.  If you juice, my props go out to you!  But, I fell in love with the quick and wonderful world of smoothies.  One of my favorite "go to" smoothies is so simple and really delicious.  I've whipped one of these up for so many of my friends who have looked at the ice cold green concoction I'm handing them and said: "DUDE that can't taste good."  And, 10/10 I've shocked everyone.  It's both yummy AND bright green.  

Why smoothies?  It's a power packed drink with lots of protein and packed with flavor.  They're easy and you can take them on the go.  They also keep you full for longer and control cravings. They're an excellent source of antioxidants, they boost immunity, detox the body, cleanse the body with fiber, helps with sleep disorders, helps fight depression, controls mood swings, boosts brain power, improves your skin, aids in digestion, and helps you lose weight.  Whew!  That's quite a few benefits, no!?

Bottom line, what we eat/drink matter significantly to how we feel.  So if you have a Ninja or blender and you're feeling adventurous to try something green that you drink down, I've listed out what you'll need to grab at the super market. (on a side note, Coca-Cola would be green but not for the food coloring added to the beverage...a little fact you learn at the Atlanta "World of Coke" tour.)  

A banana (sometimes I'll use two)

Chopped pineapple (handful)

Fresh leaf baby spinach (handful)

Greek yogurt (a couple of hearty spoonfuls)

Water/Ice (depending on how cold you want the smoothie)

Any supplements/vitamins (I  add collagen powder + a dash of Matcha green tea)

(Quick fact about bananas too: Bananas can actually cheer you up.  Bananas are theonly fruit that contain the amino acid tryptophan, plus vitamin B6.  Together, they help the body produce serotonin (the natural chemical in our bodies which help alleviate mental depression.  So go ahead and throw in two bananas!)

Blend to your desired consistency, and you're ready to enjoy a delicious and nutritious bright green smoothie.  Do you guys have a favorite smoothie recipe I need to know about?  Leave it the comments so I can experiment with my Ninja (especially anything with peanut butter...for some reason I'm on a peanut butter kick right now...mmmmm)

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a chance to treat your body to something both delicious and wholesome this week, whether it be at the start to your day or maybe a post bike ride treat.  On that note, the weekend is so close I can smell it!  If you're out raking leaves, be sure to take the time to jump into a big pile of 'em!  That totally counts as "connecting with your inner child," right?  



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