Wednesday, October 7, 2020

A Colorado Brewery Tour

"In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria." 
Benjamin Franklin

Lloyd describes Aspen as a place "where the beer flows like wine" in Dumb and Dumber.  And, many people refer to Denver as the "Napa Valley of Beer." It makes you wonder what makes Colorado beer so darn delicious?  Because, let's be honest, all beer is made with the four main ingredients: Hops, Malt (grain, wheat), Yeast, and 90% water!  So what ingredient makes the big difference?  That's right, you guessed it.  It's in the waaaattterrrrr...that delicious, refreshing Rocky Mountain water is what makes Colorado the mecca for Brewers!

The water source is so important, because the water determines the flavor of the wort (the liquid from the mash during the brewing process).  The pH of the water determines the acidity or bitterness of the beer.  Too many contaminants or chlorine will totally throw off the taste of the beer.  So, yes, water is a critical ingredient for a smooth and refreshing beverage that satisfies.

The water is so coveted here that the state of Colorado boasts over 400 breweries!  You could plan a trip to the state of Colorado solely to brewery hop!  While not all my Rocky Mountain site seeing occurred in these wonderful breweries, I did indeed squeeze in two quick tours in Ft. Collins, Colorado and got a glimpse at the magic that makes such delicious beers:

New Belguim!  (Fort Collins, CO)

Prior to my visit, I had already had the opportunity to visit New Belgium's smaller sister brewery in North Carolina!  A few years ago I paddle boarded down the French Broad River to their waterfront brewery with a vast lawn and food trucks.  The New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado is the "mother ship" brewery!  It's massive!  They spared no expense in their informative tours.  As the tour progressed, we received samplings at each stop.  The tour guide kept things so fun with his upbeat energy and random trivia.  At the tour's end, we all slid down a spiral slide and ended up at the bar.  Weeeeee!

A neat factoid about this brewery is the co-owners Kim Jordan and Jeff Lebesch, prior to ever selling one bottle of bear, toured the Rocky Mountain National Park with a jug of their own home brew and pen and pad.  They were so inspired they noted everything they desired in a great brewery.  And, New Belgium was born.  I can attest that Rocky Mountain National Park is an aspiring playground.

My favorite New Belgium beers:
Fat Tire Amber Ale
Voodoo Ranger Juicy Haze

Odell Brewing Company (Fort Collins, CO)

Touring solo, I got so lucky to get in a another fun group!  They really made me feel like part of their family.  Our tour guide's sister and her fiance and friends were also on the tour, and by the end of the day I sorta thought I would be invited to the wedding.  Odell Brewing was founding in 1989.  The Fort Collins Brewery was built in 1994 and boasts a 125 custom barrel Brewhouse, three fermentation cellars, a beautiful Tap Room and beer garden.  The bar area is super cozy, that's where the tour ends as the tour guide serves a sampling of their beers while you sit and relax.  

My favorite Odell Brewing beers:
90 Shilling Amber Ale
Mountain Standard IPA

Mmmmm, now I'm in the mood for an ice cold one.  How about you?  Thanks for reading (clink, clink) "Cheers!"  And, here's to a wonderfully blessed rest of the week, friends.



Devil's Backbone

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