Sunday, August 14, 2022

There is Nothing Sexier Than a Humble Person...

 I learned this a long time ago.  A lion does not have to tell others he/she is a lion.  Other people will just automatically know and recognize a lion when they see one.  On the flip side, a person demonstrating narcissistic and arrogant behavior is revealing deeply rooted insecurities and hurt.  I will repeat this.  People who seem narcissistic and cocky are the most INSECURE people to walk the face of the Earth!  Arrogance is one of many masks a person will wear to hide their insecurities.

What can be their insecurities?

That they're not good enough (even if they are).

Not intelligent enough (even if they are smart as a whip).

Body dysmorphia (even if they are perfect).

Weaker to their competition (even if they are the strongest).

They may constantly feel slighted by the opposite sex (even when they aren't).

Bottom line, these insecurities are rooted inside a person's head and have absolutely nothing to do with you.  When someone acts like an arrogant asshole, the best thing to do is ignore it.  It's a battle they fight in their own mind day in and day out, a rather sad and unfortunate warzone to take up rent-free space inside their noggin.  And, sometimes, as hard is it is to not take it personally, especially if it's a parent or sibling or spouse, you just got to know that it has absolutely nothing to do with you.

People who are truly talented and skilled in life always stay humble and exhibit a quiet confidence.  Why?  Because they have nothing to project and/or mask.  The quiet humble people ARE the true lions.  Humility, while our culture would like to sell the opposite, is an ultimate sign of strength.  A strong person can stand completely alone during the strongest adversity.  He or she exhibits a sexy, quiet self-reliance, determination, and conviction.  

A truly skilled, strong individual does not ever have to put others down to feel better about themselves.  Rather, lions are the mentors, holding out a hand to help others stand up.  A strong, humble, confident person RARELY follows the crowd, in fact you'll often times see them riding solo.  A strong person demonstrates both humility and vulnerability, because they love who they are and are brave enough to share their real true nature with the world.  I'll repeat that for the kids on the back row.  Showing humility and vulnerability is the sexiest and bravest trait in the world.  I've always been attracted to lions for this reason.  They are the deep thinkers and the individuals who can reveal their souls, because they have no fear or insecurities about who they really are.  They're not an imposter - someone pretending or feigning confidence.

When someone is acting out with narcissistic tones like a brazen ass clown, it is important to keep in mind that anyone who is above you (fairing better in life) will NEVER try to hurt you.  Only the hurt people hurt people, and it's a universal truth.  You can bet the farm on it.  Jealous people will hurt the person who they, deep down, desire to immulate their character traits.  Yes, it's something you have that they don't have that drives them crazy, and they sometimes don't even know it consciously.  They just covet who you are, and you unconsciously mirror back to them their insecurities and what they lack.

 Again, with insecure people, the battle is in their head.  It's always, 100% of the time, people who are beneath you that will try to bring you down.  But, once you know that these people mask deep insecurities, you'll learn that it's not your war to fight and you can focus your energies on a seat at the table in the lion's den...bettering yourself and hanging out with like minded people.  

I realize what I'm saying seems foreign and goes against the fakeness of this world, but that doesn't make it any less true.

On a side note, does anyone else find this whole Anne Heche thing remotely bizarre?  It's like I was hearing she was fine and would recover, that she was on life support, and she was dead - all in one day.  I think she was dead on arrival, but the press releases were just highly unusual and inconsistent.  And, then I learned she was working a project/film about sex trafficking.  And, I won't lie, that did make me put on my aluminum foil hat.  I find it funny that people still use the term conspiracy theorists after 100% of "conspiracy theory" has since come true.  Perhaps it's time to open our minds a little or at least adjust to a mindset of "hey, at this point, anything's possible."  If you read enough history, you'll know that to be true.  In the end, it's all history repeating itself.  We may be done with history but it's not done with us.

Deep thoughts...drafted at z'pool...

Colorado Kimmie

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