Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Asch Paradigm

Most people who read my posts know my story.  I relocated to Boulder County, Colorado from the East Coast March 2020 right as the world would forever be changed.   The beginning of the infamous “two weeks to break the curve” turned into “shelter in place” and ask no questions whatsoever - you best  trust the science, or else - with relentless propaganda repeated in cycles!  My next post will discuss the power of social conditioning, or brainwashing, through repetition.  So stay tuned!

They say there’s really no good time to start a business, to do a major relocation, or start something scary and totally new.  But, wow, like I got dealt one of the worst undeniable possible scenarios in what otherwise would have been the most exciting moments of my life.  Often times I wonder about the many other people who packed up their cars to move to a new city across the country to be completely blindsided by the unforeseen events and met with despondent masked mobs, “eyes without a face.”

And queue the theme music.  Billy Idol obviously slays the original; however I’m in love with this cover by Angel Olsen:

The shit show that was 2020 was not only completely unnecessary (as they are learning more people are dying of suicide and delayed medical care than fatalities due to COVID and Fauci lied about natural immunity), but imagine at the time the challenge of being in brand new surroundings and seeing zero smiles, just masked faces living in a state of heightened fear.  Everyone I interacted with for the following years would behave the exact same and think in the EXACT same way!  

Also, the most bizarre situations happened.  I remember walking down the sidewalk in downtown Longmont and a man diving behind a tree and peering out like I was the Boogie Man.  I assume it was because I was enjoying oxygen too much and, for that reason, he believed me to be a walking cesspool of COVID.  This was one of many irrational fear situations I encountered.  I also remember going on a hiking date with this guy who started yelling and badgering me relentlessly for getting up for another beer, two yards from our table without a mask at a brewery in Nederland.  Later, after he profusely apologized, I learned he didn’t even believe in masks. He had just been programmed to react that way to people who didn’t follow the mob rules.  This guy also has a fake vaccine passport and talks all day about how he believes in vaccines.  Why?  To conform to the crowd and be socially accepted, even when he disagrees with the crowd.

Yes, it’s been a long strange trip, especially after the CDC basically just came out and admitted everything they’ve stated as fact for the past two years was a lie.  But, really anyone exercising common sense knew that already.  So, my question is why didn’t more people speak up and why wasn’t there any resistance to the absurdity!?  And why did families divide and people hate on each other for not following the mob?  And why in the HELL is COVID considered political!?!  I’ll give you all the time you need on that one.   How is a virus remotely political!?  You’ve been programmed that almost every single topic is political - and guess what?  That silences you!  Instead of sharing ideas openly and freely, you are now fed the narrative and told that it’s the societal norm and to fall in line, or else.    There is a quote I want to share that I believe wholeheartedly:

So, why did seemingly so many people (almost soulessly and in a zombie squad fashion) immediately fall into lock step with the crowd and the media and the CDC and become militant to anyone not doing the same.  I ask this, because now we know as a fact that everyone was completely fooled by “the facts,” “the $$cience” about the virus, the numbers, and the efficacy of an experimental vaccine/boosters.   All of it was a lie.  The answer I present you with (for anyone still seeking closure): (drumroll please), have you ever heard of theAsch Paradigm!?  They didn’t teach this in public school, unless you took Abnormal Psychology at your public university.

Way back in 1955, Dr. Asch, a human behavioral scientist, set out to study the undeniable power of conformity.  And what he discovered was pretty damn powerful regarding the “how and why” people will conform with the societal “norm,” EVEN when they know it’s wrong!  Kinda makes you think of the Holocaust and how so many people could stand by idly while the Nazis marched innocent people into concentration camps and gas chambers!  This helps explain it!  

What Dr, Asch found, in what is now known as the Asch Paradigm, is that the majority of people will go with the crowd and conform even while consciously knowing what they are doing is completely wrong.  He led an experiment with flash cards using a control group and paid actors to see the power of persuasion to simply toss your conscionable beliefs in exchange for acceptance or conformity.  He was quoted in his ultimate post experiment conclusion as saying: “That intelligent, well-meaning, young people are willing to call ‘white, ‘black’ is a matter of concern.”

Dr. Asch is not the only person who scientifically proved the undeniable power of conformity.  Also see:

Bandwagon effect 

Collective Responsibility 

Communal Reinforcement 

Crutchfield Situation 

Muzafer Sherif

Milgram Experiment 

Overton Window

Spiral of Silence 

Stanford Prison Experiment

Jim Jones “kool-aid”

And soon to be added in due time IF the government didn’t write textbooks…The Branch Covidians Cult of 2020-2022

So know this: the crowd is made up of a bunch of cowards who are led more by the fear of standing alone and the social construct of conformity than they are of bravery or conviction.  It is so brave to be able to stand alone in your convictions, and I salute you immensely if you’ve been able to stand against the mob of the past few years!  As Dr. Asch studied, it is actually extremely brave and unusual for a person to stand alone in her convictions and break away from the paradigm. 


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