Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Cryo My Bio…


Scientific fact: when things get cold they contract.  In rifles and guns they use cryo to vacuum out the air in the chamber to make the metal rigid and molecularly extremely strong.

Last week I tried cryo therapy for the first time ever!  I’m one of those brave people who will try most anything once.  Plus, I had been hearing about all the health benefits and thought I’d give it a whirl, especially since this place in Denver was offering intro prices of $10!

The health benefits include a variety of bonuses: lymphatic health, reduction in inflammation for athletes, runners, bikers, and an increase in production of collagen (among other things - these were just a few benefits that interested me).   And, I had a lymph node that had been sticking out since the COVID variants and was told that some people who come into contact will have a lymph node harden for 6 months to a year.  And after one session of cryotherapy my lymph node disappeared!

Okay, so here’s how this went down.  I basically went into a room and stripped down.  The location I visited had a little private “locker room” where I put on a fancy robe, some socks, and some slippers.  I removed all jewelry and hair accessories - basically anything metal that could freeze to my body or my hair.   

Next I walked out to be greeted by a cryo cutie who put me in gloves, a mask over my nose and mouth to protect these delicate areas of my face and prevent frost bite, and a warm beanie.

She asked me what kinda music I’d like to listen to while in the cryo chamber (this helps your mind focus on an outward stimulus as opposed to how freaking cold it is and how claustrophobic it is in there).  Then she walked me through the instructions.  The cryo vault or chamber basically has two small rooms.  You walk into the first room which is sub temps of -50 degrees and you take a few cleansing breaths for roughly 5 seconds.   This acclimates your body to be able to open the door to the interior chamber which is a balmy sub freezing temp of -150 degrees.  

You’re standing there for 2.5 minutes and encouraged not to watch the timer behind you while your music plays and you try NOT to think of how freaking cold it is!  When you walk out, all this cryo steam follows you out and you feel like Darth Vader. 

Immediately, I could feel the effects to my body as she recorded by body temps of 54.8 degrees.  She encouraged me next time to try and go even colder than -150 since I’m so warm blooded.  I’m one of God’s chosen ones in that I’ve never experienced sleep disorders or issues sleeping (they say it’s because you’re soul is rested and you’ve lived right by doing right unto others), but yes, another health benefit of cryo is to remedy insomnia and induce very deep rested sleep.  That night I don’t even remember turning over once.  

Feeling like a true mountain woman!  Here are some snaps of what it looks like.  Also down the hall, there were people lined up in medical chairs with IV’s in their arms.  There is a menu of “cocktails” you can choose to pump into your body for differing health benefits.  These IV’s run anywhere from $150-300 a session.   Cryotherapy is anywhere from $50-75.

Dressing rooms w robes, socks and slippers 

I have my second session this week and the insides of my nostrils are feeling a little chapped.  I think when she explained to take a few breaths in the first chamber she didn’t quite mean the deep cleansing yoga breaths I took.  But, I’m looking forward to it.  I’ve been feeling different on the treadmill and overall feel younger.  

If you get the opportunity, you should totally check it out for the experience!  Especially if you get the $10 discounts!

Have a wonderful week,

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