Monday, September 20, 2021

Good Vibrations...

 Discrimination.  Why has this become a bad word?  We discriminate every single minute of our lives.  When we find a song on the radio.  On a menu, when we select an item, we are discriminating against the other items.  When you only got a fitty on ya, and you have to choose between Vans or Pumas.  You pick the Vans.  You have discriminated against the Pumas kicks.  When you walk in your closet, you discriminate against one outfit to wear another.  So, discrimination in this context can be a positive connotation.

Discrimination based on skin color is just flat out wrong.  Nobody can help the color of skin - their pigmentation - he or she was born in.  Okay, I have to take a quick detour.  Has anyone seen that movie: "The Skin I Live In?"  DUDE!  I'm still traumatized!  Critics actually got up and left during the premiers.  Well done to the writer!  SPOILER ALERT: Antonio Banderas performs a sex change on his daughter's rapist and then falls in love with her/him/they/the dude.

The Olympics.  Believe it or not, this used to be very fun to watch.  But, now everyone just bitches about everything, and that's the last thing I wish to subject my peaceful self to!  Sorry, not sorry.  I've actually visited the USA Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs.  They put the center there due to the elevation in Colorado Springs.  An athlete can train at very high altitudes - the air is thin and better conditions for endurance and strength.  I would show pictures, but I wouldn't do the Apple iPhone update last year (which was supposed to be the COVID tracker), and my phone did a black-out.  Unfortunately, certain photos were not "backed."

 One of the biggest bitch fests I read and heard was: DICRIMINATION OF TRANS PEOPLE!

My thoughts on this:

Having been a female athlete, I profess that allowing men to compete in female sports essentially discriminates against the female.  A child born as a male (whether or not he identifies as female later in life) has a  scientific physical advantage to a child born female.  Again, this is basic science.  Males are stronger, faster, and have more endurance.

What you BELIEVE yourself to be is okay, to a certain extent -because it’s a quasi free country and you should take advantage of that before we become like China - homogenous.  That doesn't negate the truth that males have a physical advantage over females.  Our hormones are different.  The way we are wired is completely different.  Typically, women will look for paths with purpose.  And, men will search for paths to provide.  These are scientific facts that have been extensively  researched.

Say a little girl trains her entire life for weightlifting or swimming or running (pick any sport).  And, at the moment she is about to enter the arena, a better athlete enters with a clear physiological + scientific advantage.  Fair?  Is that fair to this gladiator who has trained for over a decade?  Is that discriminating against her for being born female?  Does this essentially disenfranchise the female athlete?

Why should I care?  Because women make money off sports   It’s  career   They can get scholarships!

NOTE: To put a man into MMA is murder   Seriously a man could kill a woman   Weightlifting records are being SMASHED right now (by men who identify as women)

Something to think about for sure, right?  (Either that, or you hate me for my diversity of thought, in which case I will deflect your hate with my Superwoman wrist cuffs...pew, pew, pew)

Love + Light + Good Vibrations.


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