Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Close Encounters of the Kimmie Kind...

Do you believe in aliens?  I have a proposal for you if the answer is yes.

It was a text message like I had never received before, and so I replied:

I for sure believe in life outside of Earth.  How can you not?

And thus began my journey (my first CE-5 experience ever).  And, before you judge or think this is crazy talk, I encourage you to have your own CE-5 experience (or close encounter of the fifth kind).

I don't have cable and don't subscribe much to the mainstream media (especially after the fear frenzy, political theatre and clear grasp for ratings in 2020).  Please don't get me started on how the Mainstream media encouraged Americans to stay indoors, avoid sunlight, and restrict oxygen as a way to combat a flu-like virus (as opposed to measures that could boost health and immunity).  And anyone who disagreed got cancelled, banned, or made obsolete on social media?  
Don't get me wrong.  I'll tune in every once again to Sirius XM shows mostly on road trips.  But for me and with many Americans, we see the mainstream news with almost zero credibility like those National Enquirer Magazines or related tabloid periodicals at the supermarket checkout shelves that reveal how Hilary Clinton adopted an alien baby:
Now that COVID has almost completely dissipated from our lives, the media has had a hard focus on aliens and UFO's, according to my friend.  So, we thought, there's really only one way to settle this.  And, that is to see it for ourselves.  

I'm certain your question right off the bat is: Did we see unidentified flying objects flying in the sky?  

ANSWER:  Heck yes we did!  I counted at least 5 sightings (with one hovering directly over us with a halo beaming around it before taking off - lasting several minutes.) 

If you would like to experience a CE-5 or HICE (Human Initiated Contact Experiences), these are the instructions we followed.  And, they worked:

First, you can do this solo.  However, if you drive out to the mountains with zero light pollution and zero cars and 100% chance of bears, you'll probably want the "buddy system."  We brought a flashlight (to get to the desired spot), bear mace and a gun.  Regardless you'll want to find a quiet remote spot outdoors.  Night time is preferable with CE-5 because starships or flashbulbs are way easier to see in the night sky.
I set my alarm and met my friend at 2:30 a.m. so we could drive and be at the desired spot at 3 a.m. (the witching hour in folklore).  My friend did not want to take any cell phones or cameras as she thought it might deter any possibilities of CE-5.  Therefore we didn't bring any phones.  However, I wish we had background music such as:

NOTE: Devoid of any ET soundtrack music, we had some great conversations which led into my personal favorite...rabbit holes and conspiracy theories.

Next - Prepare yourself for meditation.  Bring warm clothes, a blanket and poncho (next time, I'll wear a beanie!).  I can't disclose our location for two reasons.  1) it's our secret location, and if I told it, then it wouldn't be secret anymore.  And, 2) it was kinda a little wee bit dangerous.  There was a raging river and we were scaling down the side of a road embankment with jagged rocks in the dark.  But, once we got to the desired rock by the river with a waterfall, we laid out our blankets and laid on our backs to begin the CE-5.

Step 3 - remove all worries from your mind.  State your intentions on what you would like to see happen.  ETs are apparently telepathic.  Your solo target should be your third eye or your heart chakra.  This is the spot right between your eyebrows.  Focus on love, peace, calm, joy, happiness, cosmic expansion + consciousness.  The mood should be upbeat, happy, joyous, and peaceful.  
I mentioned this in a previous blog piece, but you cannot have love and fear exist simultaneously.  Love drives out fear.

Step 4 - Mentally project your peaceful intentions and invitations out to the cosmos.  Focus on asking the ETs to join you in an effort to heal the planet, assist you with spiritual self-development, universal peace, or maybe just confirmation that they are out there.  Next, sit calmly and be open to visual responses and unusual or otherworldly sounds.  Remember the UFO we saw that hovered over us for a while?  We heard a loud thunderous noise (not sure if these are called sonic booms) before it took off!

Step 5- Be open to possible telepathic communication.  I did not personally receive any.  Bummer.

Step 6 - Journal about your experience!


Don't use mind altering substances.  It's advisable to abstain from meat 1-3 days prior to your CE-5 outing (or at least heavy meals).  The goal is to achieve a high state of consciousness and awareness while being calm and peaceful in your perceptions.

It's recommended to keep going back to the same spot for repeated CE-5.  The area we went to is known for very spiritual + native energy.

Let's talk fear.  ETs can easily detect fear which can deter a CE-5.  Remember to focus on the heart chakra + send vibrations of love.  If there is love and empathetic understanding you will see them.

Guess what?  You don't have to be an expert in meditation!  In fact many people with zero experience in meditation have had a CE-5.  However, practice can only increase your experience.  Meditation raises your vibrations and makes you present in higher states of consciousness + awareness.  Perks of meditation (for those who practice regularly) are most beneficial:

instills calmness
removes fear
helps develop telepathy
remote viewing
empathetic abilities

Additional tips and details can be found on YouTube: The Pete N Rae Pathways Show.  How to Make ET Contact Using CE-5 protocols.  

Greetings, Earthlings!  A few throwback picks from my trip to Roswell, NM!
Learning about alien currency...

Check out the moccasin boots and entire tourist outfit combo...ha!

I hope your CE-5 experinece is groovy!  Here's an upbeat tune to take you into the day!


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