Sunday, June 20, 2021

A Letter to My Dad (even though I don't think he reads my blog)...


I kinda think these "Hallmark Holidays" are lame, because it promotes a "once a year" gratefulness.  And, the truth is that I'm thankful every single day for having you!  We are in a society where Dads like you are scarce!  As I've gotten older, I learned that a lot of people had absentee dads, dads who they don't get along with, dads who have gone to heaven, or even abusive dads.  I realize how blessed I am to have such a strong male role model to call Dad.  No doubt I've recognized that not only am I half your DNA, I wouldn't be the strong + fiery woman I am today without you!  Here are some things I wanna say about that:

My fave pic of us...

People ask me all the time why I am single, and I tell them: "My Dad set a high bar!"  Thank you for always loving Mom and demonstrating that love to us on a daily basis.  Your example showed me how a woman should be treated.  Because of you, I've known when to walk away.

Mom told me that you said, "She intimidates the boys."  That made me smile.  Thanks, Dad.  As I sit here writing this, I'm looking out at Long's Peak (an intimidating 14er)...maybe one day!

When math started introducing the alphabet, thanks for your help with my homework!  And thanks for making it so much easier than the textbooks showed.  Work smarter, not harder!

Thank you for giving me an appreciation of good music!  

Thanks for not giving up on me through the many stages and "wrong exits" of my journey.  I'm fully aware of how aggravatingly insufferable I was as a "vegan" + as a "liberal."  However, you did raise me to have a voice!

Thank you for making me self-sufficient.  One thing I've never had to relinquish is my own power or dignity to anyone!

Thank you for supporting me as an advocate/fighter!  I'll never forget those times you stuck up for me when I couldn't advocate for myself!  My heart almost leapt out of my chest!  Thank you for teaching me it's okay to stick up for others and for what I believe in!  You taught me to be brave and even stand up to "Goliaths"!

Thank you for teaching me self-defense, how to shoot a gun (and gun safety)!

Thank you for showing up to my ballgames, throwing ball with me, shooting hoops, teaching me to ride a bike, taking us to the beach + riding bikes, being at my recitals (and taping them), helping me academically, being at my graduations and for being my biggest fan (even when you could have been doing stuff for yourself)!  I recognize that sacrifice!  

Thank you for those times you had to drive across the state in the middle of the night to come to my rescue!  I'm not sure I can ever pay you back for that.

Thank you for teaching me to make lists and set goals and for pushing me to work hard for my goals.  Because of the example you set for me, I, too, have your strong work ethic!

Thank you for teaching me how to view failure as a learning experience + how to get up gracefully and dust myself off and try again.  Thank you for NOT giving me participation awards and teaching me it's okay to fail sometimes.

Thank you for raising me in a Christian household and teaching me conservative values.

Thank you for all the hikes, the fishing days at the lake, building the tree house + sandbox, the road trips, the amusement parks, the weekend sacrifices and for the most excellent childhood memories.  You bestowed on me a love for the Great Outdoors!

Thank you for all the times you picked up the phone when you were busy and talked me through a crisis.  You never hung up the phone until you "talked me off the ledge."

Thank you for the invaluable advice you so freely have given + continue to give!  I'll never forget all the Bible verses, adages and proverbs you gifted at just the right time.

Thank you for always telling me how proud you are of me (even when I'm not proud of myself)...

Dad, you are my hero + my mentor + my advocate...and I love + thank you SO MUCH for being such an excellent dad to me!  Money definitely cannot buy everything and you have been a prime example of that.  I'm the biggest fan of your dry humor + dad jokes, know that!  And, lastly, when I think of you, I think of this verse:

I didn’t do a letter to my mom this year...but know this: behind every successful man is a strong woman (the other half of me).  Love you too mom!!!



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