Friday, June 26, 2020

The Lizard King

I bet you thought this was going to be about Jim Morrison.  Sorry to disappoint, yet again.  Thanks to another request from a reader of my blog for this write up.  I've enjoyed going down this rabbit hole!

Several years ago, I was a captive insurance agent for a well known insurance company in Greenville, SC.  I won't mention the name of the company or the Agency, but Peyton Manning and Brad Paisley promote their policies on television.  I remember sitting at the front desk of this small agency where I could greet all walk-ins.  And, one day this woman came in and sat down in the cheap stained office chairs requesting policies for her million dollar home, multiple cars, boat, and vacation home.  Since most insurance agents work off commission and residuals, I was delighted to help!

She was an attractive woman in probably in her mid 60's, early 70's.  She was intelligent, well dressed, well traveled and there was absolutely nothing that would prepare me for the conversation that would ensue that day.  We spoke for a while about her family and her son.  She told me I had a beautiful aura and that she could see it as soon as she walked in the agency.  She said I was probably a mermaid in another life (even though I'm a terrible swimmer and the thought of being foot bound is absolutely terrifying.)  I smiled and continued working on her property and casualty quote.  And, then something she said caused me to pause.  As she was talking about some of her ex-husbands and how sociopathic they were, she told me that they were Lizard People.  Apparently she attracted Lizard Men.  Reading the look on my face, she went on to describe the facial features and how to spot a Lizard Person (trying to make certain I would never get caught in the web of a Lizard Union).  

Inquisitively, I asked more about this reptilian sub-species (knowing my coworkers could overhear this interesting conversation), and she told me that Presidents, Hollywood Actors, high ranking officials, even Queen Elizabeth herself are all suspected Lizard People.  Commuting through a series of tunnels underground, they can even travel under the ocean from continent to continent.  

I went home that night and Google'd the heck out of Lizard People.  Turns out David Icke coined the term "Lizard People" describing those who are shape shifting reptilians who can take human form.  From the constellation Draco, the lizard folk want world domination.  Roughly 4% of Americans, when polled, believe in this race of reptilians.  A whopping 7% are undecided about whether they exist or not.  Anyways, this was all back in 2015-16 when I first learned all this from a random and very interesting woman from Florida. 

Now, fast forward to 2020.  I'm sitting in the Denver International Airport reading about all the conspiracy theories surrounding the Airport development since it was built in 1995 (again, thanks to a Colorado Kimmie reader's suggestion).  DIA is the newest airport in the nation; the second newest airport dates back to the 70's.  Turns out, many people speculate that the DIA was built by the Illuminati and is the headquarter for global genocide and a New World Order.  Who knew?!  Here's a few things I learned while walking around the airport and awaiting my flight.  Also, little did I know, I would revisit the wonderful world of "The Lizard King."  Because, let's face it, these Lizard People have to have a leader, right?

Since the new DIA was built in , there have been ongoing concerns the runways are in the shape of a large Nazi Swastika.  Nazis and swastikas have been tied to the Illuminati and New World Order.

Two large murals allegedly depict The New World Order, created by Leo Tanguma.  These have been moved down to the basement while the airport is undergoing construction.  I took the escalator down to see them.  And, wow, they were pretty terrifying.  However, the one mural depicting dead people scattered around a Nazi soldier was oddly missing.  The other mural depicts genocide.  Before the murals were relocated, the floor in front of them said, "Au Ag" which is an Australian poison (and apparently the suggested Illuminati toxin for its genocide mission.)

The two large murals were called: "Children of the World Dream of Peace" and "In Peace and Harmony With Nature".  Unfortunately, the more controversial murals were not hung anymore.  However, I grabbed a shot of the two existing murals here (and again, the Nazi mural is currently MIA):

Located at the south entrance of DIA, there is a 100-year time capsule that was dedicated in 1994.  Made of granite, it has the free mason emblem on it.  Also, embossed on the statue is: "New World Airport Commission."

Apparently, several people have alleged that the Queen of England, also a suspected reptiod, has been buying up property around the Denver International Airport.

Okay, remember my flashback from earlier??  There is speculation a whole 6 level network of underground tunnels that were constructed for reptoids, or Lizard People, to take over the world.  DIA has had a long standing position that the tunnels were intended for underground trains for passengers to get from terminal to terminal.  However, the tunnel system never successfully worked.  Therefore, when I asked to see the tunnels, I was given a hard no.

Others believe these tunnels and secret underground bunkers were constructed to house the global political elite and the billionaires in the event of an apocalypse.

For anyone who has ever visited the Biltmore Mansion in Asheville, NC, you've probably gotten an overdose of gargoyles.  However, on the opposite end of the country, your baggage may need protection!  In architecture, gargoyles have long been known as creatures who protect and ward off evil spirits.  Therefore, DIA boasts gargoyles around baggage claim.  But, these are oddly weird little statues, popping out of a suitcase.

Bluecipher is a larger than life, thirty two foot sculpture of a fiberglass mustang.  Visitors to DIA can see Bluecipher  near Pena BLVD.  I'll admit Bluecipher is pretty terrifying with bright red eyes.  Many people speculate his presence symbolizes the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."  However, the artist, Louis Jimenez stated the red eyes were a metaphor to the "Wild" spirit of the West.  Unfortunately, Jimenez met his demise two years before the statue was completed when a piece of the artwork fell on him, severing an artery in his leg!  OUCH!  

DIA ran THREE BILLION DOLLARS over budget.  This, alone, raised concern and speculation.  It is alleged there were several design changes, including the expansion of the underground tunnels, spanning all the away to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.

What's really cool is that the CEO, Kim Day, has done something a bit unorthodox in this day in age.  Instead of thwarting off the conspiracies, Kim has embraced them and even posted several signs around the airport as a tongue in cheek mockery to the allegations. 

I admire that she was able to have a sense of humor and some fun with with all the conspiracies.  Also, I was able to grab a few shots of her refreshing sarcasm before my flight, seen here:

I hope you enjoyed this conspiracy theory blog post.  What's your favorite conspiracy theory?  Let me know in the comments below.  Also, if you would like for me to write a specific topic, please drop your suggestion in the comments below!  Have a great weekend!  


  1. Just love your writing. Makes me smile. Keep it up girlfriend. My brother-in-law's construction company worked on that airport. Think I will send this to him and get the skinny.

    1. Thank you so much for reading the blog! And, thanks for the encouragement! That's pretty cool about your in-law! Definitely see what you can dig up!


Devil's Backbone

 Happy Fall, Y'all! First of all, ROCKY TOP - GO BIG ORANGE!  I would like to congratulate my Tennessee Vols, my Alma Mater!  Earlier th...