Sunday, January 28, 2024

Holistic Medicine: A Modern Variation to Acupuncture…

 With the colder temps of January, I’ve been in the gym a bit this year working on strength training and some personal fitness goals.  Suddenly I found myself extremely tight in my shoulders and upper back - mainly from incorporating a weighted bar with arm, back, and shoulder work.  

Deep tissue massages were not even touching the level of tightness, tension, and muscle pain I was experiencing.  I mean, it was to the point that it was hard for me to relax and sleep soundly!  As the saying goes, “No pain, no gain,” right?

A holistic friend from California was hot tubbing with me when I shared about my DOMS…delayed onset muscle soreness.  She knew that I wasn’t in to muscle relaxers or pharmaceutical remedies of any kind no matter what the immediate relief.  She recommended I try cupping which is a lymphatic way to increase blood flow and therefore reduce inflammation and sore muscles.  Cupping is definitely on my bucket list for 2024.  

When I inquired about cupping to a chiropractor for my specific concerns, she began massaging my traps and levator scapula, and told me mine were the tightest she’s felt in a long time and asked me if I was tensing up.  I explained I was as relaxed as possible.  A modern variation of acupuncture called “electroacupuncture” was recommended instead of cupping.  

Electroacupuncture: a modern take on acupuncture that uses electricity to enhance the benefits of this traditional therapeutic treatment for tight and aching muscles. 

As you can see from the pictures, Electroacupuncture uses needles placed in the same spots as traditional acupuncture. A small electrode is then attached to the needles. Then electricity runs through the electrode and gives a slight vibration or soft hum during treatment. ‌ You can feel your muscles twitching.  As for the needles, I did not feel any pain.  However, when she placed them in super tight areas, there was a warm numbness, and I could feel my muscles twitch and resist in the more extremely tight areas.  There are also different levels of electricity to build up to.  I started my first treatment in low frequency.  The treatments are also shorter than traditional acupuncture because the electrodes can activate your acupuncture points quicker. 

How does it work?  Electroacupuncture helps to block your pain by activating bioactive chemicals in your body. This process decreases your sensitivity to the pain you’re feeling. When you get electroacupuncture, it activates your sympathetic nerve fibers. By activating these fibers, your body releases endogenous opioids such as endorphins, which help to reduce inflammation. The activated nerve fibers may also help to reduce feelings of persistent pain. This makes it a good treatment for chronic pain and stress.

Immediately after treatment I felt relief.  However the real benefits start to occur the next morning.  I’m writing this the morning after and I feel absolutely amazing and relaxed! I had a recuperative night’s rest and the muscles are pliable and prepared to continue strength training.  Electroacupuncture is C-K recommended and approved for anyone strength training in the gym or anyone experiencing chronic pain! 

I was supposed to be dropping a hard hitting journalism piece; however, right as I was finishing up and doing final edits, someone sent me information that challenged several opinions!  Therefore, I’m looking at things from a different angle and still plan to drop that post soon…

Yours truly,
Colorado Kimmie 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Burning Man 🔥

 Happy Insurrection Day!

I hope it's been a somber day of reflection for everyone knowing our own Chuck Schumer emphatically declared, like the epitome of pathological sociopathic liars with zero remorse, that this day was worse than Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Civil War combined.  

Okay, let's be serious now and come back to reality.  What we know now is this: Democrats funded, incubated, and released a virus that caused upheaval, tremendous economic destruction, and death - and used it to rig an election.  They then had the FBI dress as Patriots and staged an insurrection.  They withheld all Capitol footage and orchestrated a political theatre "court" which was nationally televised.  

My Shaman horns in commemoration of 1/6.  By the way this horned guy, Jacob Chansley, known by the media as the QAnon Shamon, has just been recently released from prison, following released video footage compliments of Tucker Carlson - showing him to be escorted to the chamber and offices of the Capitol.  The footage was in the possession of the J6 committee the entire time, but never released to the public.

For the civilians who were stripped of their Constitutional due process rights, it was nothing more than entrapment as the doors of the Capitol were opened by Capitol police.  Nancy Pelosi's daughter's documentary cameras were well and perfectly pre-positioned as these Americans, exercising their basic First Amendment rights,  were escorted right in to a building and interior offices and chambers.  Thanks to Tucker Carlson for releasing the actual real time unedited 1/6 footage to support the truth, Americans can undoubtedly fear our own government and question our Constitutional rights.  January 6th marks Cancel Culture to its finest.  Speak out against our leaders and the system, and you will be detained and tortured in a 5x5 cell, never be able to fly on an airplane again, you'll be on a terrorist watchlist, lose your property, lose your reputation, lose your right to vote (if convicted), and become completely disenfranchised in the Country you grew up in (as we are being replaced by "Replacement Americans," formerly known as illegal aliens, who flood our border daily.  Americans can no longer lecture about despot dictators as we have become that which we have warned other countries/regions of the world about.

Actual facts...

Fear not, there's hope among fellow Americans, eclectic as they may seem as you read on, who still ain't afraid to give "The Man" the middle finger and exercise their First Amendment rights to free speech and assembly.  My Blogger app shows me the top location analytics of my readers which come from all over the world.  And, no matter where you're located, you've probably heard of the American festival held each year called "Burning Man."  

Burning Man was initially created as a family community in Black Rock City- in the middle of nowhere in the desert.  Built by its citizens, it was inaugurally intended to be a community of anti-establishment hippies, naturalists, eco-warriors, and nudists who follows a set of set principles and self policing measures, use no government currency/money and rather barters goods, uses no commercialization while preaching of the evils of free enterprise and of corporate greed of the outside world.  Burning Man was supposed to reflect what a perfect utopia, free from Corporate envy, would look like.  Also, Burning Man had a strong message of eco-friendliness.  They say they're all inclusive and open minded, but I dare to imagine what would happen to a group of MAGA campers flying a Trump flag in Black Rock City (without police to intervene).  

Fast forward to the most recent years, like most things in America, the Burning Man festival has become so bastardized and perverted by millionaires and billionaires who fly private jets to the annual festival and who view conspicuous consumption as a competitive event.  It has now become a freak show of art exhibits, apocalyptical inspired fashion, and an environment of "sex positivity." 

Obviously not my photo...Googled rich people at Burning Man.  If this is your photo, let me know and I'll be sure to issue photo creds.

Google search how much a ticket is - last time I checked it was $305 a day just to camp, not including other expenses.   So, the people who were preaching against greed and unfettered Capitalism, have now become greedy.  Bottom line, to attend the festival, it's extremely cost prohibitive to the average American, and therefore - not "all inclusive."  You're basically buying a ticket to camp out for a week with rich women and other silver spoon trust fund babies to have orgies, rape and roofie women, commit domestic battery and assault, and commit any other atrocious crimes (because it's basically "Lord of the Flies" and there's no law and order - rather a volunteer self policing task force for the different encampments.  Think about it - if you're a predator with money (which there are many out there) and you KNOW there will be horny girls who are high and drunk of a 5 day bender with no sleep, would you not plan a trip there to be "a kid in a candy shop" with no police and no ID!  You're basically an anonymous rapist.  

Reminiscent of the FYRE festival, which is one of my all-time favorite documentaries, some might say God smote the Burning Man festival sending an actual mini-flood to the desert.

(Not only that, the entire desert is left littered with plastics and trash - definitely not an example of the "leave no trace" principle, one of many Burning Man boasts.  As hiker, we live by this mantra..."if you pack it in, you pack it out.")

I'll leave this link right here for my readers to see for themselves how Burning Man festival is now encouraging things such as BEDecator training, explaining personal boundaries to rich people who think rules of morality and decency and conduct don't apply to them because they have money, sexual education/misconduct awareness and training and prevention, and how to take advantage of the Zendo Project (a group of "trained individuals" to help you out of a bad LSD or psychedelic trip, provide grief counseling if you're attacked or raped, and overall provide a "safe space."  Maybe they should pass out signs that say, "Please Don't Narcan me, brah, I'm just taking a Nap!"

Link here:

And here:

Thanks for your readership in the new year.  My next blog will be a little hard hitting as a few people close to me thave warned it could get me on a watchlist.  Stay tuned!

Happy New Year, 

Colorado Kimmie

Devil's Backbone

 Happy Fall, Y'all! First of all, ROCKY TOP - GO BIG ORANGE!  I would like to congratulate my Tennessee Vols, my Alma Mater!  Earlier th...