Thursday, September 28, 2023

That's Not What I Mint!

Me at the Denver Mint...


Here is a snap shot of the US debt clock taken 9/27/2023 at 8:05 p.m.:

To see in real time, feel free to use this link as it's constantly fluctuating: 

Why did I screen shot the US National Debt clock?  This real time clock shows debt per citizen and then debt per tax payer.  Meaning, children born today come out of the womb already owing just shy of $100,000.  Not all citizens of this country work, and sadly these stats get worse the longer the border remains open.  Remember the old adage, "you can't multiply wealth by dividing out?"  Well, aside from Harvard economics classes, it turns out that this math is true.  Not just the border, but when you displace the American worker by selling jobs overseas or replacing with AI, not only are these citizens not paying income tax, they’re now drawing welfare, EBT and other handouts.

As of the time I screen shot this image, every taxpayer in America owes $255,353 in debt if we are to divide out our national debt per taxpayer.  And, ADD that on top of student loans, mortgages with skyrocketing interest rates (why do you think I rent?), credit card debt, private schools, taxes, utilities and other expenses!  Even Kamala Harris said most Americans are $500 short of bankruptcy.  Really the only substantial and accurate thing to come out of her mouth.  We are a dying nation in serious decline.  

This debt gets worse every time the federal government prints off more money to ship to Ukraine.  Those blue and yellow flags may as well signal, "Hey, we are in some serious shit financially and I don’t care because I’m virtue signaling for a country I can’t point to on a map!”  By the way, I don’t want to get too off track here, but you should research “war bonds” and how citizens used to buy them to help finance wars, particularly WWII, and keep America out of debt.  But these days Congress doesn’t sell war bonds and needs wars to launder money.  We all know this.  Look at the net worth of these “public servants” and then look at their annual salaries.  Laundering and insider trading for $500, Alex!

Also, ever heard of the Texas Basin (otherwise known as the Permian Basin)?  It's not talked about a lot since the USA is currently on this "green energy" bandwagon.  I put quotes there, because there's nothing green or environmental about it.  By the way, did anyone see in the news all the electric vehicles that caught on fire 🔥 with the rising water as they tried to seek shelter in Florida during Hurricane Idalia?  Turns out, salt water creates chemical combustion to the battery.  I guess the car dealership sales dude didn’t mention that.  Click here to see what I’m talking about: 

Anyways, Joe Biden doesn't give a flying f*ck about the environment.  But, green energy lobbyist fill his family's pockets with gold, not to mention they probably buy Hunter’s crack straw paintings.  Back to this basin, the USA has more oil than any other country in the world (maybe Russia rivals the USA).  This is liquid GOLD!  Yet, the Biden administration is not interested in this natural resource to help dig the USA out of debt.  Instead they’re counting on their citizens to fund the green new deal.  

With the green energy initiative, follow the money.  The oil companies certainly aren't making electric vehicles.  And for Coloradans reading this, research the new law the Air Quality Control Commission, given really unchecked and unlimited powers, currently trying to pass state law that by 2035, any NEW car (2025 beyond) MUST be an EV to be legally registered in Colorado.  It would essentially ban the sell of any new petrol powered cars.  Our secretary of Transportation was JUST bitching that he couldn't find a reliable charging station to charge his car.  The silver lining is that makes my car worth a lot of money in the used car market.  But, imagine this, you live in Wisconsin and just bought a new petrol powered car.  You get a job in Colorado in 2035 only to find you have to sell your new car because it can’t be registered in the state!  Fact check me:  idalia ev catch fire

The US dollar used to be the gold standard.  I’m not going to sugar coat this, because this is why people read my blog.  I’m real and I’ll shoot you straight.  Dire Straits.  Speaking of, time for a theme song: 

We are approaching the gates of hell with gasoline soaked rags.  Your current spending habits are about to change real quick.  I heard this recently and it’s true for me!  “I’m so glad I learned to be poor because it’s expensive to be poor these days!”  In my lifetime, I'll probably see the Renminbi, the Communist currency of China, become the new gold standard of the world.  Speaking of, not sure if anyone has heard of the Project Sandman. It's been heralded by woke liberals as a conspiracy theory, but honestly, conspiracy theory is like the new "n word"'s designed to belittle, gaslight, and make you feel weird for discussing anything against the system's or "mainstream" narrative.  Basically conspiracy theory means spoiler alert  🚨:

You've also been told during the entire Biden administration that inflation is and remains at 7%.  And, all I can figure is that they're banking (all puns intended) Americans are just really dumb and bad at math.  And, I will be the first to agree that America boasts some really highly educated yet dumber than dirt citizens. It’s like when Joe Biden says he’s never taken a penny from China.  He’s right.  He hasn’t.  He’s taken billions.  Pay attention to how lawyers phrase things.  Unless inflation is compounded at 7% EACH month, to tell us it’s stagnant at 7%, is as ignorant as saying we don’t like Trump because his hair looks funny.  I'm going to share this formula with you so you know how to calculate inflation.  And, you know that computer in your pocket you use to look at cat videos?  It has a calculator on it!  Calling your smart device a phone is like calling a Lexus a cup holder   It’s just so much more!

[(the new price - the old price) / the old price] x 100 

So, let's give it a whirl, shall we?  A bag of air...err, I mean potato chips was $2.50 in 2020.  Now this same bag of potato chips is $3.90.  Plugging into the inflation formula, that's a 56% increase, not 7%.  So, at least at the grocery store alone, prices of food are EIGHT times higher than the inflation bullshit they're selling you.  But, 7 sounds nice doesn't it.  Lucky number 7.  If you still believe inflation is only 7%, bless your heart.  So, back to the bag of potato chips: not only are they 56% more expensive, but now the bag is slightly smaller, there are less chips, and the quality is shit!  So, we can't even use the formula to be exact.  It's actually higher than 56% in this case.  So, why would the accountant at Frito Lay want 56% more for the same bag of chips?  Because they know that the US dollar ain't worth $1.00, more like $0.40.

Look, I wish I could say I buy American everything.  But, my car is a non-union built car.  I drive a Subaru, and living in Colorado off roading and navigating snow, are you really that shocked?  Currently in America, auto workers are strike demanding 40% increase in salaries to make low quality cars.  And I have seen Joe Biden walk lockstep with these workers in the ultimate show of betrayal and hypocrisy as he’s right at the center of all this trouble.  His party sold off American jobs.  As a general rule, they despise every state they fly over to get from NY or CA.  That’s why they wanna grain out of Ukraine!  We have grain here in the Midwest but it’s grown by farmers who voted the wrong way - so they don’t care if it rots in silos!  Americans have relied on rental cars and disposable cars!  They’re not built to last and everyone knows this.  Does this sound “green” or clean?!?  Importing grain?  From clear across the world when we have a plentiful resource domestically? 

And, don't think the Chinese are done with us!  The Bidens are "tight" with this Communist country and have made a TON of money through their ties with China, both creepy Uncle Joe and Crackhead Hunter.  Have you wondered why Sam Bankmangried got away Scott free?!?  Because if he went to trial, through discovery they would have found all the loopholes to his crimes.  The government doesn’t want you to know all that.   

Covid is the ONLY thing made in China that has lasted this long.  Hey, remember not too long ago when you were called a conspiracy theorist for stating COVID was manufactured in China using the US tax dollar?  The Maury lie detector test proved that was the truth!


Now let's talk money...queue theme music:

For your money/time I’m giving you a two for one blog drop today:

Earlier this year I made a trip to one of four US Mints and this one is located here in Denver, Colorado.  Yes, it’s WORTH the tour.  And, yes, I wish I was a tour guide here.  It’s been a dream of mine to be a tour guide at a museum since I was little.  Here are few shares from my visit:

Short of a strip search, you can't take anything inside the Denver Mint.  So, make sure you only show up with your tickets.  They'll take your phones, purses, etc.  You can't have any electronics on your body.

Parking is non-existent, so Uber if you can OR walk.  But, you will have to account for enough time, if you drive, to park far away for public parking.  Trust me, there is zero parking within several blocks of this place unless you get there at 5 am and pay a dollar an hour in meter!

There is an age restriction.  You can't bring small children.  Check their website on this.  I believe it’s 7 years or older to be able to tour.

Tickets are FREE!  You have to show up early and stand in this line.  A guy will walk down the line asking you how many and what tour time you want.  Once tickets are gone, they're gone for that day, so get there early!

There was a “gangster guy” back in the day who worked on the floor of the mint.  I don’t really think he was in a gang but his picture looked pretty gangster.  He was miffed that he hadn’t had a raise in years, he decided to matter into his own hands. Daily, he was slipping a gold bar in his uniform and burying it in his back yard.  They finally realized the rat and the missing gold and he served some time in another state and then came back to Denver to work for the DOT.  I raised my hand and asked if he was responsible for the shitty roads.  My tour group chuckled.

One of the most important positions at the mint is the Quality Control!  This is neat to watch them in action, because if you find a coin with a defect, it could be worth A LOT of money.  Once, they accidentally stamped two different US Presidents on a coin and those coins went out in circulation.  Now, anyone with a copy is independently wealthy.

The Mint is private and are personally owned businesses!  It's not a government entity.  It sells coinage to the US government at face value.  However, due to gross government mismanagement of the dollar, the Mint is actually losing money on coin manufacturing.  For example:

It costs $.02 to make one penny and $.11 to make a nickel; however, the US Mint makes up for it with the production of quarters and dimes:

It costs $.04 to make a dime and $.11 to make a quarter!  The US Mint has contemplated taking the penny out of circulation.  This is sad for me since I believe in lucky 🍀 pennies.

The giftshop is amazing.

Thanks for stopping in!  October is right around the corner!  And, I've got some breadmaking on my bucket list.  I'm going to make a banana walnut and pumpkin bread in the bread maker my brother gifted me - which takes a lot of precision at our altitude.  It’s like the best Yankee Candle ever made to smell the aroma of fresh made bread in your kitchen. ALSO, I'm going to give pickling a shot.

Until next time!


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