Sunday, July 5, 2020

Hungry Like a Wolf

I bet you thought this might be about Duran Duran.  Sorry to disappoint yet again.  I wanted to write a post about the most wonderful place on Earth: Seacrest Wolf Preserve!

So, where is Seacrest Wolf Preserve?
You might think a wolf preserve would be in Colorado, Montana, or Alaska.  However, Seacrest Wolf Preserve is nestled in the midst of bumble-screw panhandle Florida.  Literally, it's the middle...of nowhere.  You can get there by driving from Tallahassee towards Panama City, of all places.

Owned by the Watkins family and operated as a non-profit farm, the mission is to teach the public about the different species and their vital roles in a healthy and balanced ecosystem.  They have over 30 wolves there, and it's the only place in the entire world where they keep the pack structure and allow humans into the enclosures to interact with the pack.  

They have three breeds of wolves: The Timber (or the gray wolf), The Arctic Wolf, and The British Columbia Wolf.  Sadly, the BC Wolf is nearing extinction.  They have the BC female wolves there at the preserve, but they're having a difficult time finding the males.  They did find a few males in Canada, but the relation was too close.  The breed is so smart, they will not breed too close in relation.  They would rather cross-breed with a coyote or a dog than breed within their own family.

My favorite wolf was this cross-eyed beauty, named "America"

If you visit, it's very strict:
You must wear all cotton - NO synthetics.  Seriously, you will be given a hard NO to a tour of the enclosures.  And, the closest Wal-mart, should you need to correct any clothing deficiencies, is a good drive away in Mariana.  Think: cotton jeans or khakis.  No leather shoes or belts.  No exposed ankles or legs.  You must be a certain height limit, so no small children.  They don't want any perfumes or strong scents.  You cannot wear sunglasses or take any cameras or phones inside the enclosures.  This rule is for several reasons.  If the phones break, the glass could hurt the wolves...also, some of these ridiculously obnoxious ring tones could alarm or startle the wolves (and your jugular veins could you strewn about the park).  I mean, these are wild animals, and they survive for millennia by being survivalists.  But, mainly, wolves are playful "tricksters" and will grab anything as a toy and run to the furthest point of the enclosures to play "keep away."  They will allow you bring in a disposable camera.  They also will take professional photos of you while in the enclosure.  However, you run the risk of being like me...last in line, and the wolves were kinda bored by that time.  So, I didn't get very many good photos.  However, the ones in this post are my favorite!

Some interesting wolf trivia and Seacrest Wolf Preserve stats I learned:
They do not spay or neuter the wolves in order to keep them wild.  So, how do they keep them in a pack structure?  Interestingly enough, wolves only mate once a year, and it's the week of February 14 (Valentine's Day).  How romantic, right?  Around this time of year, one can hear the male and female wolves, separated, howling back and forth to each other.

Each pup sees a human the moment he/she is born to learn immediately humans are friendly/good.  The owner is present for each birth. It's scientifically called "ingraining."

The wolf dens are SPECTACULAR!  Humans, with balls the size of South East Rhode Island, can crawl down into one and sit straight up Indian-style.  Also, the dens have what humans would refer to as an escape hatch.  There are smaller tunnels within, in case a predator finds its way inside the den.  The mama wolf can send her kits into the tunnels so they are safe.

When two males are fighting inside a pack, usually it can be worked out.  However, when two female wolves fight, they can fight until the death.  The preserve will separate them into different packs.

Wolves have been vilified and scapegoated by Christians and Hollywood.  When, in reality, they would hide and run from you in nature.  Wolves are not a confrontational species.

The owner of Seacrest was responsible for the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park.

In summation:

Anyone who has ever wanted to walk into the wild side and be deprogrammed from your Hollywood indoctrination should visit Seacrest Wolf Preserve!  Again, be sure to read through the rules and regulations!

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