Saturday, December 9, 2023

The Sworn Enemy of Lying, Pomposity, Smugness, and Groupthink

My dad recommended this book to me and I could barely put it down at the airport!  It’s called “Tucker” by Chadwick Moore.  The subject of this book, Tucker Carlson, became the target of so much unwarranted liberal vitriol, having had his address doxed multiple times in newspapers and his family terrorized by members ANTIFA (knowing he was gone at the time and couldn’t protect his family), and even had his sponsors relentlessly attacked, for simply packaging the truth with a red bow and an exquisite string of sarcasm and dry wit.  He captured the hearts of so many Americans, including mine.  He’s not so much a Democrat or Republican as he is just a good honest person and believes in the Constitution.

There’s so many nuggets of wisdom within these pages and things I didn’t know about his childhood and family.  One thing is certain, he’s one of the best investigative journalists of my lifetime, or possibly ever!  And, if you don’t believe it, look at how he got silenced by the powers that be for unabashedly speaking the truth!

One thing I learned that shocked my socks off:  Did you know Tucker Carlson had crippling dyslexia, problems with spacial relations and hand-eye-coordination, and with solving complex math problems? One of my public speaking and free thinking heroes was riddled with learning disorders all through school and never graduated college.

Not in the book - but just some personal memories and take-aways I have of all the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” shows - and the reason I would re-subscribe to Sirius XM every year just to listen to his shows weekdays on the train or on the treadmill.  I looked forward to it all day.  If I only had three to five minutes I would at least listen to his opening monologue.  I would listen to some of them again and again.  But here are my top four Tucker moments:

1) He talked about UFOs and that the Navy was withholding all these videos of stuff that couldn’t be explained in our airspace.  Nobody else was talking about this!

2) He openly and defiantly spoke out against the vaccine and Big Pharma.  We all know what happened to people who did this.  

3) He reported on a leak sent to him from the Warren Commission files that revealed the CIA assassinated Kennedy.  Keep in mind these files have been sealed and kept from the American public - until everyone who was possibly involved died a natural death and could not be held accountable or face trial  - over 60+ years and they recently renewed the top secret classification!  You’re just the stupid taxpayer so shut up and row the ship!  You don’t need to know the truth.  But Fauci introduced a new COVID strain that quickly drowned out that noise.  Funny how that happens.  Distractions.  Turns out our own CIA coined the term “conspiracy theorist” to silence people who were in shock and questioning the assassination of JFK after his brains were blown all over his wife’s pink suit during a motorcade in Dallas, TX.  It was a set up.  It was planned and orchestrated to usher in the Vietnam War where over 58,000 young men were drafted and sent to slaughter so people could make insurmountable wealth off the military industrial complex - while rich senators’ sons got to stay home and attend Harvard.  Queue CCR: “Fortunate Son”

4) He released the Jan. 6 tapes showing the guards pulling the gates back and ushering peaceful protestors into the Capitol.  If you didn’t know this, it’s OUR building, not the Washington DC private yacht club that they think it is.  It belongs to the People - and Congress and staff are the civil servants borrowing the space to perform their duties to US (not their mega donors)!  We had just as much right to be there as they did.  But somehow our political system has become so corrupt and perverted, they really believed “peasants were trespassing on the ruling class.”  Tucker openly kept the public informed about the illegal detainment and lack of Due Process granted as a RIGHT by our Constitution to innocent people.   Congress, made up of mostly attorneys - check for yourself, found a loophole in the founding documents that if you call someone a “terrorist” you can strip them of their Constitutional rights, and thus,  they don’t get representation and can be kept in small closets with water dropping on their faces and starved with one hour of time spent outside and a fan blowing in their face with no blanket.  Fact check me.  Think about this, here is some irony to contemplate.  The same people cheering on the torturing of protestors who were at the Capitol protesting a stolen election are the same people who wanted to shut down Guantanamo Bay where actual sociopathic murderers - people who have head counts and are avowed terrorists to the US - were held - because liberals felt we violated their civil liberties.  So essentially they hold terrorists in high regard but hate people who vote the wrong way.  Honestly!  Think about that and let it rattle between your two ears. 

I recommend this one!  Colorado Kimmie endorsed! 

Tis the season of giving, so for those of you who also may have missed Tucker's Twitter farewell speech right after he was fired the network April 21, 2023, here it is in all its grandeur:

DISCLAIMER:  please read til the very end as I have a special little stocking stuffer for you and I hope you can devote about an hour of your time to listening in its entirety because it’s juicy!  Also feel free to regift.  Sharing is caring.

"One of the first things you realize when you step outside of the noise for a few days is how many genuinely nice people there are in this country, kind and decent people, peole who really care about what's true, and a bunch of hilarious people, also, a lot of those.  It's got to be a majority of the population, even now, so that's heartening.

The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are.  They're completely irrelevant.  They mean nothing.  In five years, we won't even remember that we had them.  Trust me, as someone who's participated.  And yet, at the same time, and this is the amazing thing, the undeniably big topics, the ones that will define our future, get virtually no discussion at all.  War, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, natural resources.  When was the last time you heard a legitimate debate about any of those issues?  It's been a long time.  Debates like that are not permitted in American media.  

Both political parties and their donors have reached a consensus on what benefits them, and they actively collude to shut down any conversation about it.  Suddenly the United States looks very much like a one-party state.  That's a depressing realization, but it's not permanent.  Our current orthodoxies won't last.  They're brain dead.  Nobody actually believes them.  Hardly anyone's life is improved by them.  This moment is too inherently ridiculous to continue, and so it won't.  The people in charge know this.  That's why they're hysterical and aggressive.  They're afraid.  They've given up persuasion.  They're resorting to force.  But, it won't work.  

When honest people say what's true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful.  At the same time, the liars who've been trying to silence them shrink and they become weaker.  That's the iron law of the universe.  True things prevail.  Where can you still find Americans saying true things?  There aren't many places left, but there are some, and that's enough.  As long as you can hear the words, there is hope.  See you soon."

Within a time span of one hour, this “closing” Twitter speech I just shared with you produced three times more views than his Fox News show ever could imagine.  The next day it had been viewed by over 55 million people, people starved for truth.

If you read the title of my blog and knew immediately what this piece was about without ever reading the first sentence, we share an unspoken bond, and you are an ally.  For those who had no idea- this was Tucker’s closing tag line in which he closed out every show.

A peculiar part of this entire blog.  I’ve been experiencing quite a few of these synchronization moments in life lately.  While I was writing this blog about Tucker Carlson, a friend of mine in Georgia, who hasn’t texted me in over three months, sent me a snip of Tucker on Twitter, now rebranded as Tucker on X.  I’m not sure how I’ve missed this, but I quickly followed and listened to the entire 90 minute interview.  Since X is allowing truth and free speech, Tucker was able to interview one of the most hated and censored men in America.  This us worth the watch!  It covers 9/11, WEF, Epstein, the globalists agenda, Blackrock, the vaccine, you name it. Tucker repeats several times, “where’s the lie?” I couldn’t find it, either. 

Here it is, and Merry Christmas!

Yours in Truth,


Devil's Backbone

 Happy Fall, Y'all! First of all, ROCKY TOP - GO BIG ORANGE!  I would like to congratulate my Tennessee Vols, my Alma Mater!  Earlier th...